Friday 30 October 2020

Too Much Clickety Clicking

Yesterday's post and spirited discussion serves to highlight just how much feeling and unease there is around the issue of the extraordinary and growing gender imbalance within probation. We have discussed this many times before, the reasons are varied and complex but include selection, training, salary, professional judgement, discretion and job satisfaction. Surely this exasperated contributor put their finger on much of the problem? 

"I agree with comments about "command and control" - OASYS has GOT to go to be replaced with an assessment system which makes sense, CRISSA has got to go, Risk registers (or at least updating them every five minutes) has got to go - and can someone please make that bloody box in Delius larger so I can actually see what's in it - actually fuck it, Delius has got to go, I spend too much time clickety clicking and not enough time WORKING. We need to chose ONE of these issues and band together and say "enough is enough - we are NOT doing this anymore"....the person is more important than the CRISSA notes I write about them."

And these:-

"Just love that risk management economy created by The Centre so their on-message chums in academia could sell sackloads of shit, politicians could scare the public witless & NOMS/HMPPS could control the probation narrative."

"The current Probation service that sucks up to the police, creates little security units to please Tory ministers and buddies up with prison governors by unnecessarily vetting it’s own staff."


  1. Absolutely nobody wanted CRISSA from the outset, except the 2 people that created it. They pushed and push and pushed, until it was made mandatory. That’s how probation works nowadays, no evidence base, no collaboration, Just Effing Do It because the HMIP might give us a gold star.

    1. What's CRISSA?

    2. Crap Rehabilitation Institute and Statistical Saturation Association.

  2. 11:47 crap sounds about right to me.

  3. A quick google bought up this shite. I feel sorry for the offenders having to go through this scripted conveyor belt every week and for the POs that buy in to this drivel then type it all up.

    “During the session, we will also talk about the offence and explore deeper into why it happened and how we can help them to not be in a situation again. The session framework that I, and most other officers use is the CRISSA model. In English this means, Check in, Review, Implement/ intervention, summarise, set tasks, appointments.

    This basically means, I check in with them, see if any circumstances have changed since the last session, and go through their general engagement with the order. I review the previous session and any learning, and tasks set from the last time. We sit down and implement and come up with interventions that focus on a criminogenic need, linked to the sentence plan, for example thinking skills and attitudes. We then summarise the session we have had, set tasks if necessary that will be reviewed in the next session and finally set an appointment for the next session, whether is either weekly, fortnightly or monthly.”

  4. Absolutely agree 1841...HMIP have indicated for years now that our work with offenders in supervision sessions is piss poor, but they stop short at exploring why....the organisation has focussed so much on case recording and completing OASYS under impossibly exacting QA standards, that it has forgotten who we are working for.

    Think back to the last time you had training on skills associated with meaningful engagement and delivery of supervision sessions, versus training in risk and OASYS completion.

    The organisation has lost its way and reinforces matters by bringing in recording initiatives like CRISSA, officer diary, risk registers, constant pressure to update OASYS, constant pressure to complete this against standards which talk about meticulous completion of evidence boxes, assessor comments ....and then the senior leaders scratch their heads and say "we just cant understand why employees say we dont listen, we offer a TEAMS meeting once a month, we dont get it?????"

  5. People tested positive for COVID-19 UK

    Daily - 24,405 - Daily number of new people tested positive reported on Friday, 30 October 2020.

    Total - 989,745

    Only 10,255 to go before we hit the 1Million known, tested for cases.

    The reality is that there are millions of people already positive, its just that we have no effective testing regime, or a test&trace mechanism that works.

    Wancock will, of course, still manage to pull that magic rabbit out of his arse tomorrow:

    Virus testing capacity Fri 30 Oct 2020: 480,961


  6. "come up with interventions that focus on a criminogenic need, linked to the sentence plan, for example thinking skills and attitudes."
    Linked to a sentence plan from an OASys system built on the premise that the client needs to be "fixed", It demeans both the professional and the client. Both of us insulted in a stroke
