Thursday 8 October 2020

Napo AGM 2020 Reflections

Hi Jim,

Good on Napo for doing this: much better effort, frankly, than the Labour party non-conference. Given the early adopter status of this, there were glitches and problems, but not a bad effort.

I am pretty sure we were quorate which surpassed my rather bleak expectations. Francis O’Grady made a great and very motivating speech, starting with an obviously heartfelt tribute to Harry Fletcher. She of course claimed the reunification as a great Union triumph, but actually in a very moving way, not least bigging up all the members who have slogged through this all these years. Also made some very pertinent points about the importance of Health and Safety, a thing derided by so many for so long until March this year.

Katie Lomas who opened made a strong point about the challenge of recruiting hundreds of new officers/trainees being an easy task when compared to finding the resources to train and support them, ie drawing from the already overworked experienced staff.

Covid of course a theme running through all business.

Gordon Jackson had as usual submitted good questions on the accounts, and the whole issue of the parlous state of finances continues. The message from Keith (Officer for Finance) Stokeld was that significant savings have been made this year, also that we are poised for new premises.

I found it really difficult to engage and concentrate: it was more like watching the telly. When it got to motions there was a means to speak but it involved emailing an address and then awaiting a reply with a link to something which then linked you into the on screen proceedings. I tried to do this in support of a speech proposing better treatment of older workers but got lost in the system. There were much fewer speeches and questions from the virtual floor, partly due to the complexity of the process to speak, partly I think as the format makes the “audience” more passive. Not a particular criticism, more an observation. Doubtless we will all get better at this stuff over the next year or so.

Speaking personally, the fringe events, held on zoom, were much more engaging, simply as we could interact in a much more “normal” way and see each other. I went to several sessions.

Low point of the day: having drifted off for refreshment, logged back in to find myself in an on-line tutorial on Delius system. Delivered by some bloke developing the Delius system I think. I get enough of this shit at work, Napo conference absolutely not the place for that, so I went back out for cheese and biscuits.

High spots: the fringe events, Frances O’Grady’s speech, David Lammy, third time I have heard him talking about probation in as many weeks. He has really done his homework. He is quite rightly not making promises about a manifesto that isn't written, and interestingly talked about the need to get the public onside about justice reforms. He isn't of course the shadow Justice Minister: which is Nick Thomas-Symonds.

Our Gen Sec is on tomorrow. I am sad about the relentless Napo bashing on your blog comments, but BUT, I do have to say, when the finance officer Keith was questioned about the increased pay going to the Gen Sec, (in the face of stagnant wages and unpaid increments of members) his defence of this was that it wasn’t a pay rise, it was the result of a job evaluation exercise, Napo as a good employer could not honour this. However, it slipped out that the job evaluation exercise was at the request of - ie initiated by - the General Secretary. Grrrr



Regarding the financial situation referred to above, here are an edited version of the relevant report:-

Finance Vice Chair’s REPORT TO AGM 2020 

The Annual Accounts – 2019 

At the time of writing, I am conscious the impact of corona virus has had on society and the loss some members will have experienced on a personal level. I would like to acknowledge this. No doubt, the impact of the pandemic will be referred to in other reports and contributions connected to personal loss and the way Napo has had to adapt since March. The AGM for 2020 will be no exception. Therefore, this finance report is being prepared for an AGM with a very different format. In an effort to ensure members are provided with sufficient information, this report has been prepared with the aim of completing one of the essential elements of the AGM, namely the approval of the Annual Accounts by members. 

I am submitting the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2019. These comprise the Income and Expenditure Account, Balance Sheet; Movement of Funds Summary supported by notes to the accounts and detailed breakdown of the income and expenditure figures. 

I am pleased to inform members that despite yet another difficult year, the union has retained its capacity to function as a going concern as noted in the Independent Auditors Report which forms part of the annual accounts. This continues to be an aspect that members are concerned to establish, and remains a subject of debate. I am encouraged by the responses from member’s keen to stress their interest around this, as they emphasise how important they consider Napo retains its capacity to function. 

Plans for the future are being shaped by the way the union and employer business is being conducted. In any event doing things differently was always on the agenda, but enforced change has shown there are other options to carry out Union activities in an inclusive way, often at a much-reduced cost. This provides the union with an opportunity to plan in a way that will enable a positive financial outlook. 

The financial health of the union has been assisted by the way the Finance Sub Committee has scrutinised the budget. This will continue to be the case in reviewing ongoing expenditure as part of the process following the approval of the budget set by the NEC. This includes a clear commitment to setting a balanced budget to maintain the financial stability of the Union for the future. 

Crucial to this will be achieving a satisfactory balance between expenditure and income, along with ensuring the reserves from the sale of Chivalry Road are used as intended. 

Reserves have been held in a mixture of investments including the traditional deposit and current accounts. Some of the funds were used to meet revenue commitments and this assisted the running of the union, while the principle aims of securing long-term office space remained on the agenda. 

One of the consequences of the pandemic, in addition to the development of a different way of working, has been a review of the requirements for office space. With Napo staff finding an increasing capacity to work from home, it has been possible to revise the requirements for office space. This along with revising the geographical parameters has allowed for a widening of the search for potential property. Acquiring a suitable property that becomes part of Napo’s assets as opposed to renting will greatly assist in reducing accommodation costs, thus assisting the budget setting process for the future. 

Unfortunately, the decision taken last year to increase the Direct Debit subscription rate for those members earning £35,001 - £40,000 from £23 a month to £24 has yet to be implemented. This was scheduled to be effective as of June this year after the launch of the database. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, this had yet to take place. It was therefore decided to suspend the increase, as the cost of imposing it without the support of the appropriate technology would not have been cost effective. 

2019 Accounts

The overall income for the year was £1,202,879 and expenditure was £1,617,590; this includes £231,703 spent on representing members, and £13,576 paid to branches from the organising fund. The overall deficit for the 2019 financial year was £416,019. A transfer of funds from the General Reserve once again has offset this deficit. 

It was always anticipated that the financial year would end with a deficit but this was higher than budgeted for, largely due to an increase in demand for members’ representation. Members who have attended previous AGM’s will recall how the legal and representation fund has been a matter of debate and it should remain so. 



For the 2019 financial year, the amount received from membership subscription was £1,129,398, which was a modest increase on the previous year of £20,169, reversing the trend of preceding years of decline. There is an urgent need to prepare for reunification by ensuring members moving to the NPS who have yet to switch to direct debit do so. There is an ongoing recruitment campaign, which hopefully will see us welcoming new members thus strengthen the Union and is financial situation. 


  1. Sorry to be a dimwit, but can we clarify this finance issue involving the GS of the probation union. I will disclose that its a union I'm not a member of anymore.

    At a time when members are being completely fucked-over, at risk of losing careers &/or significant sums of remuneration, the self-obsessed GS asks for his job to be re-evaluated, it is re-evaluated & he gets a substantial pay rise.

    While everyone else is being fucked-over? While everyone is being encouraged to pay subs by direct deduction?

    Somehow that doesn't feel quite right.

    In 2015/16 hundreds of staff had lost their jobs, lost their EVR entitlement & the union kept schtum.

    What better grounds for gilding your oversized ego?

    1. Me too left Napo as it's run by an idiot who so openly fails to perform protected by self interest Wannabees .. taking such a dramatic pay rise is corrupt show us the evaluation and legitimate pay regrading. Staggering lack of consideration while the incomes are low. Still I can't complain I'm not on it.

  2. We can all breathe easy today - covid trump did NOT win the Nobel Peace Prize.

    It went to the UN World Food programme.

    1. will covid trump ask for a recount? will he claim the Nobel committee are on Biden's side?

      Can't wait to see what he tweets out...

    2. Covidtrump sent this this out last night:

      "As I have always said, Donald J. Trump is the best thing to ever happen to the people of Puerto Rico. The drug manufacturers are now coming back."

      Wiki says: "Located in the Caribbean, Puerto Rico has become a major transshipment point for drugs into the United States. Violent and property crimes have increased due in part to dealers trying to keep their drug business afloat, using guns and violence to protect themselves, their turfs, and drug habits.

      Crimes related to drugs are not the only crimes plaguing the island. Along with gang violence the island has also been victim to Police and political corruption."

      Nuff Said?

    3. Covidracistnarcissisttrump at one of his rallies just a couple of weeks ago:

      "... so I turn on NBC with Lester Holt and they start with a hurricane, and then they went to something, and something else, and I'm saying, 'First Lady, this is getting a little embarrassing, with 20 minutes into a half hour show, they haven't mentioned the Nobel Peace Prize'.... And then it went through the whole show and they never mentioned. And then I got nominated for a second one and they never mentioned. And when Barack Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, got nominated, no when Barack Hussein Obama got nominated, he didn't know why he was nominated. It was like right at the very beginning. He didn't do anything. He did nothing! And he got nominated. It was the biggest story I've ever seen. But that's OK. In the meantime, we're president, and they're not, right?"

    4. Congratulations to the WFP - about time they were recognised for their tireless, selfless efforts to care for & feed those souls the 'developed' world happily leaves hungry, destitute & in crisis.

      Could you see CovidTrump, the man who withdrew US funds from the World Health Organisation in a fit of pique, feeding Yemeni refugees? Or Mexicans? Or Americans?

  3. Woo hoo. Just had email advising that NPS incremental progression will be in October pay packet. I can MOT the car now and Xmas will happen after all. What's the betting Lawrence claims the credit for getting us what we are entitled to a mere seven months late in his annual tubthump today? After all NAPO do "punch above their weight". Another ex member and activist who will rejoin when that clown has gone .

    1. Dont hold your breath he is re standing !


      Napo, UNISON and GMB/SCOOP are still in negotiations over this year’s pay award for NPS staff. We know that members are frustrated and angry about the delay to them receiving their increments, which were due back in April. The unions took this up with the Probation Minister at the time in order to try to move progress, so it is of grave concern that members have had to wait this long for something which is a contractual entitlement.

      We can now report that, having submitted our pay claim on 12 March, the unions received an opening pay offer from NPS on 23 September. Since that time, we have been in talks with the employer to seek to improve this initial offer.

      While these talks are ongoing, it has been agreed that, in the interim, NPS should implement the pay progression element of the award immediately. This is because eligible staff, who are not already at the top of their pay band, are contractually entitled to progress to the next highest pay point in their pay band with effect from 1 April 2020. This was confirmed to staff earlier in the year by NPS.

      Members who are eligible for a pay increment in April of this year can therefore expect to receive payment for this in their October pay packet, including all monies due backdated to 1 April this year. The unions have been reassured by NPS that this will include backpay in relation to unsocial hours payments and overtime earned since this date.

      Members will remember that the unions put in the following pay claim for 2020 back in March this year:

      • A two-year award to cover the 2020 and 2021 pay years

      • An increase in the value of all pay points above the Retail Prices Index (RPI) of inflation on 1 April 2020 and 1 April 2021

      • An increase in the value of all NPS allowances above the Retail Prices Index (RPI) of inflation on 1 April 2020 and 1 April 2021

      • Automatic Pay Progression (in both years of the claim) in line with 2 year pay modernisation award

      • Deletion of Pay Band 1

      • Removal of Pay Band Overlaps

      The unions remain committed to delivering against our pay claim, so while increments will be paid this month, the remainder of this year’s pay award will be the subject of further negotiations. The final offer to come out of these talks will be put to members by the three unions in a ballot as soon as it is available.

  4. I have seriously lost all patience with NAPO. The announcement today made as though they've secured some huge victory because we are now getting what we were contractually entitled to all along!? Lost it with the service too, I qualified at the start of all the pay freezes and every time we get an increment they also remove the bottom band. I'm a well experienced officer now in the training and development team, delivering the PQIP. Yet when the learners qualify they go straight onto the same pay as me. That's not to say I think learners should be paid less, but I think my commitment and experience (along with everyone else who is in the same boat) should be recognised. I am so fed up and disillusioned with it all. Where is the motivation for staff to develop themselves or go to work these days? If I was qualified to do anything else I would be long gone by now.


  5. Another 13,000+ new cases, another rise in deaths (per uk govt rules), a continued rise in hospitalisations.

    There is also an ongoing and significant rise in those experiencing protracted symptoms post-positive test for covid-19 testing.


  6. Does anyone at Napo ever read/proof their published offerings? This was their headline for the conference:

    "Napo's 2020 Annual General Meeting and Conference will take place from on Thursday 8th October andl Friday 9th October. This year's AGM will be a remote event."

    Incompetence is endemic.

    1. Yes Napo are not intelligent sadly. Here in the pandemic and during the transition they the most power ever to threaten disruption action and action including strike. None of which is needed just non cooperation will bring NPS to its knees but that leadership are leaderless . No tactics low skills low rent .

  7. While you’ve all been waiting “patiently” for your pittance of a pay rise ..

    “MPs to get £3,300 pay rise as coronavirus puts millions of jobs at risk”

    1. So the judiciary get a pay rise; CRCs get bailed out; Ian Lawrence gets a pay rise; MPs get a pay rise; 'excellent leaders' get £1500 a month bonus; Grayling gets £100K for an hour a week; and Probation staff get fucked over & over & over & over.

      Do you enjoy being at the butt end? You do a difficult job, you get shit from all sides on a daily basis, you get held accountable for other peoples' failures, you get sacked when someone commits a serious further offence, you get bullied & blamed every day... and you grab your ankles & take it with barely a whimper - except for a few sharp posts on this blog.

      * makes me wonder why anyone is still there *

      Something isn't right, folks...

    2. We do it so some nobody can call us #HiddenHeroes, so those with no understanding of diversity can force us to be ‘allies’ or what our history should be, and because we like being manipulated by our bosses up high in their Ivory Tower.

      Bushy tailed PO: He [enter name of director] touched me on the shoulder, I was free.
      Other PO: You know [enter name of director]?
      Bushy tailed PO: I didn't say I knew him, I said he touched me on the shoulder once!

  8. Redundant Britain poor old minority whatever. Tory years of privatisation means the will see death tolls way in excess in second wave spending millions on private companies to fail. They cannot mobilise Britain on a war footing as the control zero national interest. If this was 1947 on the ministries would and could have stopped rents utilities costs and rationed food cards . British would stay home a month or two virus dies off. Boris clown wants to a leader and won't ever produce s heroic headline. He's a killer though.


  10. another lengthy delay in publishing testing data - brace yourselves...

    1. Still nowt from Westminster's Wancock & co.

      Scotland is on the ball as ever with clear concise information in the same place & same format at the same time every day:

      Scottish numbers: 10 October 2020

      1,009 new cases of COVID-19 reported; this is 14.1%* of newly tested individuals
      6 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
      34 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
      432 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
      19,664 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results


    2. Usual Westminster Bubble Bollocks from Wancock:

      "We are awaiting data for cases in England. We will update the data as soon as possible."

      "Due to essential updates, the website and the API may be unstable or unresponsive between 10pm Saturday (10 Oct) and 6am Sunday (11 Oct)."

      Can't wait until tomorrow to see what changes they've made to further confabulate, disguise or otherwise camouflage the data.


    3. 8.30pm - 15,166 +ve cases / 285,000 PCR tests

      81 deaths (by govt calculations)

      Nearly 700 hospitalised last Tuesday (latest data)

      Just 5,000 antibody tests / 120,000 available. What isn't made clear is if these antibody tests are included in the positive totals, and if so, how many. Nor why so few are being undertaken when the capacity is so substantial.

      There's also a new dataset (new to me anyway) which is headed: "Deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate by area"

      This shows the following:

      England 49,612
      Northern Ireland 900
      Scotland 4,256
      Wales 2,579

      Deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate:

      Weekly 234
      Total 57,347 covid-attributable deaths

      USA 214,120 covid deaths

      Global 1,069,953 covid deaths

      About an hour ago Donald Trump takes off his mask to tell hundreds of fans 'I'm feeling great, says COVID is 'going to disappear'



    PLEASE WATCH THIS, LISTEN TO THIS, UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS IS ABOUT. And now we have Black History 'Month'... just one month?! Is that it?
