Saturday 14 September 2024

A Sadly Familiar Thread

The last couple of days has triggered us to return to a sadly familiar thread and I think it's important to pull it together because I'm acutely aware many probation staff are currently under even greater stress. It began with this:-

My partner and I have made the decision for me to resign, after 24 years as a PO with numerous successful secondments, I have simply had enough. The change I have lived through is breath-taking and disturbing. I have seen inspirational POs, who never sought high office and whose professional curiosity was amazing to witness, marginalised and put down by young upstarts not in the slightest ashamed to voice their lofty ambitions. Bullying, racism and homophobia are now rife in an organisation that once was held up as a beacon of progressive professionalism and recognised internationally. My resignation is going in tomorrow morning and the sense of relief is beyond description, odd as it may sound I feel free.

Following yesterday, my notice is in. A very slow response from management, no doubt a huddle took place to formulate a response however one rather youthful SPO passed comment on “how difficult it must for you to adapt to change”. I bit my tongue. At 48 years of age she was young enough to be my daughter but really lacked the dignity of my children. This one moment just solidified my decision to leave. I feel unshackled, I feel free and I feel sadness. But my overriding feeling is of relief. As I speak my wonderful partner is cracking open a bottle of wine whilst she sings only now right now as I type do I realise how my probation frustrations were so visible to her. I respect and love her so much. I wish all of you the best and I have to express my utter admiration and respect to Jim for the legacy of your blog, you are truly a legend.


The Weight of the Badge - A Personal Reflection on Nearly 20 Years in Probation:

As I approach two decades in the probation service, I find myself feeling more isolated than ever. In a role designed to foster rehabilitation, support, and second chances, it's ironic that I now feel in desperate need of those very things myself. Over the years, I’ve navigated countless changes, adapted to new policies, and checked boxes that seem to multiply by the day. But the toll of it all is undeniable.

I lead a team of dedicated officers who, despite their best efforts, are also feeling the strain. Together, we try to keep morale afloat, to stay motivated amid constant shifts, but the pressures from above – from the Head of Service and beyond – have become suffocating. It feels like we’re caught in an endless cycle of demands that never seem to let up, and each day leaves us running on fumes.

For over a year now, I’ve been covering more than one team, stretching myself thin in every direction. The demands of the job have drained me completely. Where there once was pride in the work, now there’s only exhaustion. Weekends don’t offer enough time to recover, and by Sunday, the anxiety of the week ahead sets in. Monday is a day filled with dread as I face another seemingly insurmountable five days.

I’m struggling. My anxiety is constant, and my depression has deepened. It feels like the joy has been sucked from my life. I’m left questioning how much longer I can keep going like this, trying to juggle the needs of my team, my own mental health, and the overwhelming weight of this job.

I share this not just as a personal release, but in the hope that others who feel similarly might realise they aren’t alone. Probation work is hard – harder than many understand – and we need to acknowledge the toll it can take on us all.


I totally agree with the sentiments you express and I empathise with the dilemma you are in however merely acknowledging the problem will not make it go away. As has been said previously, and again by [others] there is ample evidence to support a private prosecution by the unions on the grounds of health and safety, but it is also up to individuals to do whatever is necessary to protect themselves and to safeguard their own well-being. Strategies have been outlined in the past but people, for various reasons feel obliged to keep turning the wheel despite it being obvious that nobody listens, nobody cares and nothing will change of its own volition. Simply making yourself ill or taking your frustrations home with you won’t change anything and you are unfortunately no better thought of. Do something positive to help yourself, even if it is going off sick or semi- retirement or taking a sabbatical and surveying your options.


Hello Jim,

I resigned as a PO in June after joining the service initially as residential support worker in AP. I have met numerous brilliant people who are working within a broken organisation.

I trained as a PO with very much a focus on wanting to aid rehabilitation but found myself ground down by the corporate nature of senior management. A regional director likening his background as an investment banker to managing high risk offenders being an prime example.

The eagerness to recall and enforce rather than explore behaviour left me disillusioned and questioning the point of the job - I concur with a recent submission that the role has essentially an extension of custodial supervision. There is a culture of fear amongst frontline staff of being thrown under the bus by management if something goes awry.

I do not have all the answers but the culture needs to change to empower staff to make brave decisions and not revert to risk averse behaviour out of fear for their job.

Kind regards,
An ex PO


This is what many of us remember, but it seems the memory no longer extends to current management, but if it does, how can things have become so toxic in the workplace and why is nobody doing anything about it?

I missed this in 20/21... don't know if it made your blog, Jim, but it should hold a place in the archive:

"As I see it I am doing what I ought to do, work in a way that demonstrates my values and the values of the Probation Service I joined in 1982. [When I started] I was completely bowled over by the amazing staff I met at Hull Probation Office where I took up my first student placement. I work on the basis that we need to treat clients with respect. That doesn’t mean we admire all that they have done in life but we act on the basis that there are reasons why people behave as they do – blaming people for actions is not very productive – and the majority of people want to live lives where they can feel safe and valued. Most people do not care to work with others whom they perceive to be patronising, judging them and/or fault-finding.

“We do hear and see things as Probation staff that disgust or appal but if we want people to move on to live better, less harmful lives then we have to see people as a whole, not just the offence; where feasible, get beneath the behaviour (not ignore it) to understand if possible what it is about, the value and purpose of it to the client and integrate that with where that client wants to be as a person in the future and how to get there. If we want Probation clients to treat their family and fellow citizens with respect then we as staff supervising them, need to demonstrate that in how we treat them; we recognise the capacity to harm and also the capacity to move away from further harming. It also means discussing boundaries, we all have them and know how we dislike others’ attempts to breach them. I see my role in Probation is to address those breaches and to try and help people steer away from further similar behaviour.

“If a person’s behaviour harms people and if society values people, society needs to find ways of unravelling that purpose and helping re-channel that energy. What has taken years to develop isn’t going to dissolve over-night so one has to be patient and tempered. You have to withstand set-backs, client lapses, rejection. It’s a joint enterprise but the engine is the client. If their energy or will can’t be engaged, it’s a very slow process but still worthwhile. I’ve kept true to this approach of respect and looking for ways to connect because I have found it works; it engages most clients, works at a pace they can manage and keeps the majority out of re-offending. That sounds very simplistic but it requires considerable patience, willingness to keep fresh in thinking, attention to detail and adaptability. You can’t work this way on your own, you need good support from colleagues whether in Probation or linked agencies to share ideas, check out assumptions and access resources so you also need to be an adept advocate and team worker.”

Eve concludes with a personal recollection – and a vivid description of how she’s found her career:

“I hated it when as a child and young person I experienced personally or saw others, being ‘labelled’ or ‘written off’ so yes, I have a passion for challenging labels and negativity and I have found in Probation an amazing albeit demanding space in which to do this… It’s a career I have found fascinating, infuriating, wearying and stimulating but overall, incredibly worthwhile in seeing the majority of clients lighten up, move on, have families, handle lurch and sway to regain equilibrium and… stay out of trouble!”

Eve Chester


  1. I think the views expressed above are fairly common and widespread amongst probation practitioners at grassroots level and yet there is no response from senior managers.
    They appear to have stopped telling us that everything in the garden is rosy and may even be in the process of giving up the JFDI approach.
    They have now resorted to the bunker mentality and are hoping to ride out the storm so they can re-appear magically to claim any glory or apportion blame, all for a hefty fee of course.
    As I have said before, ‘leaders, they couldn’t lead a conga.’
    They should individually and collectively hang their heads in shame although the concept would appear to be beyond them.

  2. I’ve recently resigned too. I couldn’t do it any more. The work pressure was relentless and THIS workplace was horrible. Managers and practitioners fail to treat each other with decency let alone the clients. This fast-tracking anybody to become probation officers and managers means the blind are leading the blind. Probation stopped being relevant years ago.

  3. Bullying out "expensive" long term staff is all about being seen to "do less for more", thereby hitting their own targets and being better able to exploit younger cheaper more "malleable" staff to do their bidding without question. The complicit unions however are a complete disgrace

  4. I have great sympathy for those leaving the service who joined to do something positive, make a difference, enable change in people's lives, only to find they have joined a production line where they have no autonomy and impotent to do the good they know they can do.
    I also have great sympathy however for those broken and damaged people that are being released from custody and funnelled through a damaged and broken probation system.
    How can anything good be expected to come from forcing damaged people through a broken and damaged system?
    Probation has become an impediment to people's lives, regardless of which side of the desk they sit on.


  5. All over the country this morning probation officers will be forgoing their weekend and working. The fear that the probation stasi will visit them Monday to Friday 9-5 because of incomplete assessments and reports, delays in entries not made in time frames failing to mention a work tool or referring to some detritus pontificated by a probation quality assurance officer with the work experience of a goldfish, hiding in the bunker with the rest of the faceless angels of death. Let’s not forget that the colleagues that hard at it are not working for enhanced rates of pay or overtime no that went yesterday following abject failings of the unions to deal strongly in negotiations but run away to the local bistro for a cup of camomile tea and carrot cake. Don’t get me started on the term leadership, it is a term that cannot be used in a comment about probation ‘ management’ a term that should be used loosely to describe a bunch of infants with limited risk assessing and multi-disciplinary working who go missing when important questions are asked or choose to play the blame game. For me it is a trip to the moors an air bnb in the countryside my laptop and probation mobile left at home. Monday is the start of another week of attrition watching colleagues drop the baton and move on. I have a couple of interviews next week and hopefully succeed in one or both, but I know that I will be soon free from the Gulag.


    But nowt in the media about someone being recalled for not having a phone


    A Ministry of Justice spokesperson told PA news: “While we cannot comment on the details of any single case, those who break their licence conditions or commit further crimes will be punished.”

    In another case a probation officer says:

    "All people leaving prison should have (before they leave) as a minimum accommodation in place, job centre appt, script or drug apps, medication if required and a cheap phone with £10 credit"

    And presumably an appt with probation?

    So who arranges & pays for the "cheap phone with £10 credit"?

    "I didn't mean it was a specific condition" but he was recalled anyway.

    What the fuck is wrong with the probation organisation?

    What would Ian Lawrence (National Association of the Pissed Off) say?

    What would Philip K Dick (Minority Report) say?

    1. Ian Lawrence would say nothing and support hmps because he still thinks he will be a lord. What a complete joke he is. Union leader couldn't stir a cup of tea let alone rouse a membership.

  8. Released prisoners spray cheap fizz to mark early release..

    National mainstream media has a hissy fit.

    "It should be Champagne" says Torygraph;

    "Released prisoners greeted by lamborghini" says The S**;

    Recall them all immediately says hmpps.


  10. This is not what I joined in 1997. This is now a shitshow, and at the risk of sounding agist and sexist what the hell has happened to our service-and I enphasise the word SERVICE. I am surrounded by young SPOs, predominantly female, with so little experience, unlike female colleagues in the past who had a depth and breath of experience that justified their role. I took the rather shallow way out, I secured another job - confirmed on Friday- so my notice will go in on Monday. I know from other former colleagues that my email will be locked before my departure date so no exit interview will take place. I would be interested to know how common this is, I suspect widespread. Respect to all my brothers and sisters your health and happiness should always be your priority.

    1. “I am surrounded by young SPOs, predominantly female, with so little experience,”

      It’s not the age it’s the experience. They lack the training and skills to do the job. Barely established as probation officers as managers they lack knowledge and substance. Overcontrolling, arrogant, poor self management, passivity towards senior managers and ignorant. Slap bang in the middle of the gossip, rumors, and discriminatory remarks. The older and longer serving managers they learn from are just as bad, sometimes worse!

  11. I'm hoping I'm allowed to post this Jim, as it's a rather urgent missing person appeal.

    Lost, last seen weeks ago. Minister for Prisons. Answers to the name of James. Can any sightings be passed on?

    Many thanks.

    1. Dear Concerned,

      James is busy in his study writing thank you letters to prison and probation staff. He’ll be allowed out later.

      / Kier & Shabana xx

  12. If we only had a probation service???

    1. How do prisons expect us to be able to grow up, progress, and change how we behave, when we get no incentives to do so? And then there’s your NOMIS number. No matter how well we’ve done, or how clean we’ve kept our noses for however long, we still have the same Nomis number, like a sign above our heads screaming ‘Prisoner – do not trust’.

      I’m nearly 40 now, and I’ve done some mad stuff in prison over the past 20 years. But now, I try to do my jail a little slower and more chilled out, i.e. not ****** up on a Friday or stoned to bits on a daily basis. With age, I stick to the rules and regime a bit more than I used to, but some days I think, what’s the point? This isn’t a jail, it’s a bleeding zoo.

      Because of my security file – all historical, I might add – I’m never going to get a chance at a decent job or to do something I would like to do, and there are thousands more like me in the same boat. Because of my file, which is headed with my Nomis number, I’m seen as a leopard who cannot change his spots. I am seen as a career criminal, but however good or bad I was, I don’t know. Especially because I was always caught. But, for our past to keep biting us in the ***, it’s hard to take.

      Every release, or every time we transfer to another prison, or a new wing or whatever, there’s talk of a fresh start. Well, that’s rubbish. We are simply a cash cow to the system. It’s designed to keep us in this life, not to rehabilitate us.

      Twenty years ago, someone could have stepped in to say ‘We’ll help this lad, let’s house him and give him some structure’. This never happened with me, nor with the thousands of others who are like me. What did the government do instead? They said, ‘Let’s give them a Nomis number for life and release them homeless, then recall them for being homeless.’ This is madness. But to the justice system, it somehow makes sense.

      Then they stepped it up with alcohol and GPS tags, logistics involved, with so much money to make off these criminals’ backs. They talk of overcrowding, but jail us for petty stuff like recalls for poor behavior. Although there are no new charges or missed appointments, let’s recall ex-prisoners who are homeless when housing them would more than suffice.

      It seems like the whole system is designed to keep us in this life. There is no fresh start. All they want is recidivism numbers to keep climbing, and to make money from us. And we, sadly dance to their tune. As long as we have this Nomis number in our life hanging over us, most of us will remain, no matter how hard we try.

  13. On a serious note, has Timpson done a single thing since starting apart from a few visits as there is nothing in the news other than early release which I don’t think he was part off. He’s certainly not in the media making statements. All this optimism is quickly evaporating.

  14. I am preoccupied by the thought of retiring from HMPPS who did me the enormous disservice of making me a civil servant.
    Been a PO for years and have not seen “me”as a practitioner reflected back in terms of my work place in a very long time. I feel bloody lonely, out of place and irrelevant -up to the point of course when cases need allocating.
    I still find I have motivation in the face to face work, but by Friday that positive interaction is consistently eroded by computer tasks, targets and never ending instructional emails about what button to press. When did the service stop seeing people in front of them, rather a pile of problems that needs controlling and managing?
    I have started to experience bullying tactics by managers for the first time, most unedifying and it tells me we really are sunk as a profession when we turn on ourselves.
    For me the whole system demonstrates labelling theory in action everywhere. Rehabilitation is a ship long sailed- control, punish -put a label on it and remind the person of that when they don’t do what the system expects. Same for practitioner or someone sentenced in court- Take your pick.

    Time to go when I can - can’t deal with the utter madness any more. Just this last fortnight they try to put a dent in the “full prison numbers” in one day-and a few days later introduce the idea of longer sentences for that section of the CJS put the foot down on that accelerator soon as they get the OK!
    What do you use as a sanity anchor in amongst all that?

  15. Give Timpson a break, he's too busy cutting keys and fixing shoes to deal with that nonsense!

  16. so how long will sex offender huw edwards have to wait for his sotp to begin? Or will he be celebrity fast-tracked by hmpps using hand-picked one-to-one tutors?


    A study skewed by bias, as they acknowledge:

    "It was not possible to obtain feedback on Horizon from all participants of the initial delivery groups. Forty per cent of programme completers, and all of the non-completers declined to participate in an interview and therefore the findings are based on those who agreed to be interviewed "


    "iHorizon: A 26 group and individual session programme for men convicted of downloading, and/or distributing indecent images of children, who are assessed as medium or above risk of sexual reconviction. iHorizon is available in the community. The programme focuses on skills for non-harmful internet use, and skills for intimacy, pro-social relationships and healthy sex."

  19. Mega star footballers are threatening to go on strike over being asked to play extra matches.
    The MoJ in conjunction with NAPO said, ’our people will do it, and expect nothing in return.’

  20. The PPCS and Parole Board make life extremely hard for practitioners. Following initial reports there is a plethora of requests for addendums before the parole hearing ever happens. All the effort that is put into preparation of the reports and then you turn up for the hearing and it is adjourned for yet further reports and then your input is dismissed and a release happens. A subsequent recall for charges of significance that was identified in reports and it is the PP that is pulled through the SFO process whilst everyone else scuttles away, including the union representatives who your money has paid for, into dark corners and the incessant demands of the PPCS and Parole Board starts again if you still have a job!


