Tuesday, 9 June 2015

A Message

Sad to read, but also very familiar. Being physically sick with worry & anxiety is increasing here. I'm not the only one who's spent time in the loo either being sick or crying - more than once!! If Sodexo would just honour the agreement in the contract I might be able to regain some Hope & go with Dignity. I hope the Relevant 'Director' at Sodexo reads this & finally understands what damage has been done already.

I refuse to be pathologised & blamed/labelled as "unfit for work" when its the organisation's management & the UK government that's not fit for purpose. I was perfectly fine until the last two or three years when they started tampering & slicing & dicing & cashing in; in fact, since they shifted to the Trusts & placed the probation role in the hands of unscrupulous fuckwits, and when NAPO mysteriously lost its mojo.

Bloody good point. Am struggling, lost team mates, isolated, overwhelmed. Interrogated by magistrates and court clerks to justify this tide of shite. But I will not answer to them and I will not be ill.

And I would cite this exchange as evidence that Jim's blog is the conduit for sharing such thoughts, for finding strength & realising its not the practitioners that are sick/wrong/unfit. 


Contributors, thank you!


  1. Another day. More recycling of the weeks depressing thoughts. Jim, let someone else have a shot at hosting this blog as it's clear your heart is no longer in it unless it involves bashing NAPO!

    1. 14:16: The latest in cheap shots at this blogger. If you don't like this blog, go elsewhere, try the Napo Forum, it's needs posters like you. And if you truly believe that Napo is being hard done by, then do something constructive, instead of snide comments, to redress the balance: bang the drum for Napo.

    2. Another typical advocate of NAPO. The blind leading the blind comes to mind

    3. Yes well said last 2 posters and in case anyone is wondering why we are saddened on JBs blog its because NAPO misleads censors and ignores the nec and its members Money for nothing we are not done for yet though get rid of Ian Lawrence and lets rebuild the Union . They are surveying on how to dismantle us from central another disaster but September NAPO it will cost you.

    4. It's not surprising that there would seem to be a concerted effort to close down Jim's blog. Evidently it had become a powerful forum. That there has been an increase, or maybe just one or two, of people setting out to undermine and dismiss the conversation strikes of a deliberate plan to get rid. Evidently the dumbing down of debate alongside the sniping has led to those more capable of intelligent debate staying quiet; what is the point of trying to converse with such minds. No wonder Jim is demoralised. He started a blog, it became hugely popular and it is now at risk of being hijacked,very probably by those made uncomfortable by the content and potential power it holds.

  2. We are the victim of a wider social and economic malaise other victims are in the cross hairs of the elite, health and education are two prime targets.

    When things get even worse there will will be a fight. I think Jim's blog should be apart of this wider fight to save the Public Sector. If Jim and the rest of us do not report the truth it will be hidden by those that control the social and political narrative. Jim you must stay and continue simply telling the truth and we must support you in this. The fight for terms and conditions is just around the corner, we need this blog.


    1. I know - I just need my band of helpers to keep feeding in stuff.

    2. Without this blog I would be far less informed and isolated. Whilst it is sad to hear from others of the continued difficulties they face at least I know that it is across the board and not just isolated areas. Napo offers very limited information to members.

    3. I so agree with anon@20.27. I've been in the job for 18 yrs & have only in recent weeks come across the blog! The world of probation is a barmy place now, I & my colleagues are stressed and totally pissed off-just like everyone else! and it is weirdly comforting to find out that although everything is shit, particularly after the election we are not alone & I'm grateful to all who blog for reminding me of that -Venceremos!

    4. Yes very barmy at the moment, temps (admin) are now being drafted in to help. Alot of Admin are sticking it to the man. Management are now concerned that work isn't being done due to staff shortages. However while the few elite sit in their high level meetings STILL discussing the future of probation, it may be that they will look around and find not enough staff to actually deliver this new service.

    5. Another useless email today from Assistant CEO and Unions from Cumbria and Lancashire CRC stating that those froggy bastards(Sodexo) are still trying to shaft employees up their arseholes by being slimy bastards and not wanting to honour the terms and conditions regarding redundancies. The Unions have thrown out Sodexo's proposals about staff cutbacks and redundancy payments, they are prolonging the agony and I think that stalling the consultation processes is playing into Sodexo's hands, because come September,Sodexo can do what the hell they want, they can TUPE staff over, they can change contracts and still make staff redundant on reduced terms. Sodexo stand to make 30% profit on payment by results and this is taxpayers money,and employees livelyhoods. Sodexo don't give a shit about their employees or any CRC employees, they are cynical bastards who are only interested in making a massive profit out of
      taxpayers money. Deck chair Dave and his conservative cronies are happy to let this happen, because when the shit hits the fan and reducing offending doesn't work the government can pass the book and blame Sodexo and the likes for their cockups.
