Monday 24 August 2020

Transfer Process Begins 2

The guidance referred to in the most recent Napo bulletin:-  

Probation Reform Programme - Updated Assignment Guidance (August 2020) 

This guidance material has been produced by the Probation Reform Programme and aims to support the transfer of staff from one organisation to another as part of the implementation of the new probation model in June 2021.

1. Introduction 

This guidance broadly sets out the principles of staff transfer and thereby aims to ensure that employees have a consistent experience of assignment during mobilisation. 

Transfers of staff to HMPPS (NPS) will be undertaken by way of Staff Transfer Scheme(s) (based on the principles of TUPE) using powers contained within the Offender Management Act 2007. 

Transfers of staff to Dynamic Framework providers will be undertaken by way of the Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment Regulations (TUPE). 

This guidance document follows the principles already set out in the Role Assignment Guidance published previously and used for Wales in 2019 and is adapted to suit the current context in England and Wales. 

Population scope of assignment activity 

It should be noted that employees and/or workers (as defined in section 230(3)(b) of the Employment Rights Act 1996) of the CRC, their parent organisation, supply chain and subcontractors could be in-scope to transfer and should be considered as part of the assignment process. Employment status should be identified based on how such individuals are currently treated by the engaging organisation for employment law purposes. Eligible employees could include those on fixed-term contracts but not agency workers, independent (self-employed) contractors or sessional workers who cannot be categorised as either an employee or worker as outlined above. 

The assignment outcome would only be subject to change due to: appeal, a change in role, or formal objection to the transfer by the individual. 


This assignment guidance document is an authority produced / owned product that has been discussed and shared with NPS National Trade Unions. 

2. Pre-Assignment Assessment 

Employers must put arrangements in place so that line managers and potentially affected employees agree: 
  • the substantive role (not any temporary role e.g. acting-up or loan) held that will be used for assessment purposes; and 
  • what information will be used for the assessment e.g. Job Descriptions or other written information agreed by the employee and line manager; Employers must make “special provisions” i.e. reasonable endeavours to notify employees who are temporarily absent from the workplace to include them in the assignment process; 
3. Assignment Assessment 

The assignment process will apply a general principle that ‘the people follow the work’ i.e. eligible staff (CRC staff, parent organisation staff, CRC supply chain staff, Sub-Contractor staff) in scope will transfer wherever their work transfers, provided they are assigned to an ‘organised grouping’ delivering services/activities in-scope to transfer.

When undertaking assignment current employers should refer to: 
  • Details of the service definitions for NPS and DF services provided by the Authority. Please see Annex A 
  • This guidance document including the assignment process flow chart at Annex B 
  • An individual’s information. 
All relevant substantive roles should be considered as part of the assessment, vacancies could also be considered. Where a member of staff is temporarily covering another role, they should be considered in their substantive role. 

The performance and capability of employees is not relevant to the assignment process. 

The following underlying assignment principles should be considered when undertaking the assessment: 
  • Consider if the individuals role is part of an organised grouping which has the principal purpose of carrying out the services that are transferring and whether the individual’s role is assigned to that group other than on a temporary basis. 
  • Consider whether the role is wholly or mainly involved in delivering the activity attached to the transferring services. If a role is split across more than one activity, or covers other work not related to probation services, then the individual may not be assigned to an organised grouping or may not be wholly or mainly delivering the transferring activity, and may not transfer. 
  • Consider how the service is organised and arranged i.e. if the service was deliberately set up to support a particular area i.e. dedicated support or do they provide services across other elements of the future model. 
  • Consider the percentage of time spent on the transferring service. This will often be indicative of whether the role an employee/worker occupies is assigned to the service and in scope to transfer but will not always be determinative. There will be cases where other elements will need to be considered as part of the bigger picture. 
However, the general position is outlined below. 
  • In the context of the Probation Reform Programme a current employee could find that their role is solely dedicated to what will in the future be one part of the future model or it could be split between activities that in the future will fit with two parts of the future model (NPS & DF). 
  • Where a role is 100% focused on the transferring services / activity then it should be assigned to that part of the future model (NPS or DF); 
  • Where a role is less than 100% focused on the transferring services / activity then it should be considered in one of the following ways: 
  • More than 50% of time delivering one element of the transferring service/activity - assign the role to that part of the future model. 
  • Less than 50% of time delivering the transferring service / activity - the role would potentially not be essentially dedicated to the transferring service / activity and may not be eligible for transfer and will not be assigned.
  • Spends exactly 50% of time delivering the transferring service/activity - consider the nature and extent of work carried out during that time, is the activity shared equally or does one aspect merely take longer to carry out. The views of the role holder should be considered when arriving at the final assignment outcome. 
  • Where activities to be carried out following the transfer are "fundamentally the same" as those carried out pre-transfer, those assigned to such organised grouping wholly or mainly involved in the delivery of the service / activity would be in scope to transfer. The activities should not become overly fragmented i.e. the more split up the activities become between different providers the less likely it is that staff transfer will apply. The activities should remain fundamentally the same. If the work activities are fundamentally different after the transfer then staff transfer will not apply. 
  • In borderline cases consideration will need to be given to factors such as 
o the amount of value and time given to other parts of the business (i.e. nonprobation related services) 
o the managerial responsibility held over various parts of the business (NPS or DF), o the internal charging mechanisms/the allocation of the cost of the employees’ role to particular parts of the business 
o the description of the duties in the contract of employment (taking into account that duties may differ in practice). 
o Whether seen as an integral part of the business being transferred. 

Absence from the Workplace 

Those absent from the workplace, for whatever reason, will generally be included in the process (maternity leave, absence, career break, secondment, suspension etc). Where an employee is on long-term sick leave, it is only where the absence can be viewed as permanent and there is no expectation that the employee will be returning to work to participate in activities that their absence will exclude them from being in scope – what constitutes a reasonable expectation of the employee returning is a question of fact. Any decision to exclude on the basis that there is no prognosis of a return to work must be managed on a case by case basis and supported by clear evidence including advice from occupational health. 

Where an individual is absent from the office it will be their role immediately before the absence commenced which will be considered for the assignment process. 

Where an individual is seconded out of the organisation it will be their role immediately prior to going on secondment that will be considered for the assignment process. 

Where an individual is seconded into the organisation from another organisation they are not eligible to be considered for transfer as they remain the responsibility of their employer.

Corporate Services and Support Services Roles 

A service definition for corporate or support services roles has not been provided however the expectation will be that current employers use the assignment principles outlined in the assignment assessment section of this guidance document and the details of the roles based on the current operating model to undertake the assignment assessment. 

Whether staff in these roles are in-scope or not may depend on the principles set out in the section above i.e. ‘Assignment Assessment’. 
  • Whether they are part of an organised grouping 
  • whether they are wholly / mainly assigned to the transferring services / activity e.g. do they solely service a particular part of the future model (NPS or DF) 
Dynamic Framework 

For DF the following principles should be followed when considering assignment; 
  • Non- Day 1 Services – the current working assumption is that the Non-Day 1 services will not be commissioned for the transfer date. If staff are not delivering Day 1 services they would not be assigned and would not transfer. The Authority is currently working with key stakeholders within NPS to confirm whether or not these services will be part of any regional commissioning strategy and will update current employers if this is confirmed. 
  • Staff who are split across regions/PCCs or activities - As part of the DF MVP, some of the DF Day 1 services will be commissioned at a regional level (Accommodation & ETE) and some will be commissioned at PCC level (personal wellbeing, women's services). The assignment of employees/workers that fall into this category will always be a question of fact and the above assignment principles should be followed. 
4. Assignment Decision 

Employees must be notified of the assignment outcome in writing and must be advised of their right to appeal and the timescales of this process. 


The only grounds for appeal are: 
  • Incorrect substantive role used for assessment – details of the correct role need to be provided with the appeal; 
  • Incorrect role information used for assessment – further role information must be submitted with the appeal; 
  • Where a role (with the same work content / functions) is treated differently in the assignment assessment; 
  • Where this guidance has not been adhered to and this has materially affected the assignment decision. 
  •  Appeals need to have been received by the specified local submission point within 15 working days of the date of the assignment letter.
  •  Appeals will be considered and the outcome confirmed in writing within 10 working days of the date the appeal is received. 
  •  Appeals will be considered by a panel which will include a minimum 2 people (different from those who made the original decision and with appropriate expertise). 
  •  There will be no further internal avenue of appeal. 
5. Due Diligence by the receiving organisation (HMPPS-NPS) 

Once current employers have completed the assignment, receiving organisations will undertake the necessary due diligence to confirm that they agree with the assessment of the staff assigned to transfer to HMPPS (NPS). The receiving DF organisations/successful DF bidders, will liaise directly with the current employers to validate employees/workers that have been assigned to transfer to the DF. 

Changes following assignment 
  • Treatment of staff who secure a substantive job move (level transfer or promotion) after the assignment but ahead of the transfer date – if vacancies have been assigned then the successful candidate will know where the role is assigned - this will supersede their previous assignment. 
  • If a new substantive role is created after the assignment process but before the date at which no further recruitment is permitted (to be agreed locally) – the new role will be considered using the same assignment assessment and the outcome will be made clear to any applicants for the role.


  1. I see a total rats nest of problems with transfer to Dynamic Framework Providers.
    No one knows who they'll be yet.
    No one knows when they'll become providers.
    No one knows if they'll agree to accept transfer on the terms discussed above.
    What happens when an organisation on the Dynamic Framework no longer wants to be a provider, or can't realise the funding they need to continue to be a provider?
    Will the terms and conditions of transfer being asked of DF Providers prevent some organisations from bidding?
    Lots of other questions need answers too.


    1. This assignment guidance document is an authority produced / owned product that has been discussed and shared with NPS National Trade Unions.

      This is interesting can Napo and unions show a national collective bargaining agreement as the recognised union negotiating on behalf of its members only. I doubt that.
      Staff need to appreciate they all need to object individually and the clue is here
      "would only be subject to change due to: appeal, a change in role, or formal objection to the transfer by the individual." What role do the union have then having already agreed this shafting and what is the point of a ballot if they have already agreed these practices. Napo and pants down again.

    2. Compare and contrast.

  2. " The only grounds for appeal are:

    Incorrect substantive role used for assessment – details of the correct role need to be provided with the appeal;
    Incorrect role information used for assessment – further role information must be submitted with the appeal;
    Where a role (with the same work content / functions) is treated differently in the assignment assessment;
    Where this guidance has not been adhered to and this has materially affected the assignment decision.

    Appeals need to have been received by the specified local submission point within 15 working days of the date of the assignment letter.
    Appeals will be considered and the outcome confirmed in writing within 10 working days of the date the appeal is received.
    Appeals will be considered by a panel which will include a minimum 2 people (different from those who made the original decision and with appropriate expertise).

    **There will be no further internal avenue of appeal.**"

    As with TR1 shafting everything is on their terms & there is one-shot at an appeal; you're toast if you don't accept their decision.

    Its TR1 shafting all over again - for 'assignment' read 'sifting'.

    Another fruity exercise: cherry-picking of staff, plum jobs for the chums & sour grapes for those who don't fit the corporate template.

    It stinks. Its abusive. Its a disgraceful deceit. But hey-ho, who gives a fig? Those who benefit will keep schtum & cash in; those who are kicked in the guts will be forgotten about & vilified should they dare to utter a single syllable of complaint.

    1. I agree with you so why is Napo in agreement with this outrageous process.

    2. Noone has taken into account carrer progression or the way that the CRC have expected their Admin/Reception staff to work. 25 years Case Administrator in the NPS, shifted to CRC as an Operational Support Assistant, 6 years later because we also have Reception when working in the LMC's, now been identified as Corporate Services, so basically in a Reception role. Colleagues with 2 or 3 years experience sat in the Hub are deemed to be Sentence Management. Appeal gone in... who is looking at our job descriptions and making these decisions. I think they will lose alot of good staff if there are voluntary redundancies as they just don't value staff at all.

  3. Down the right hand side of this blog, Jim, is a helpful glossary for acronyms. Suggest you update with "DF- Disastrous F*ckup"

  4. "The majority of the services within scope of the DF are listed within Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR) and so, pursuant to Regulation 74 of the PCR are subject to the ‘Light Touch Regime’ or 'LTR' under which the Authority is not obliged to comply with the full requirements of the PCR. The DF is described as a framework agreement, but has features of a dynamic purchasing system; it is not subject to either Regulation 33 or 34 of the PCR, and Regulation 28 does not apply to this procurement."????

  5. Lets just do the whole comments section in acronums, starting with WTF

    1. Or Napo need to state it's definitive position please. Also what about what we were told a full return for all to public service . What is the tub thumping Napo leadership to say now. Afraid to state the position are they.


  7. "10th June 2015

    Position Statement

    At today’s meeting between Sodexo, Napo, Unison and GMB the trade unions discussed the proposal from Sodexo to vary the terms for Enhanced Voluntary Redundancy (EVR) which is part of the company's plans to implement a staff reduction programme.

    The trade unions have made it clear that this offer is unacceptable and that we expect the CRCs under Sodexo's ownership to fully abide by the terms of the National Staff Transfer Agreement. The unions will now be urgently consulting with their representatives employed within the Sodexo owned Community Rehabilitation Companies.

    Additionally, and given the complexities of the issues under discussion the trade unions will be referring the situation to the National Negotiating Council and NNC SCCOG for urgent attention."


    After notices of redundancy were issued hundreds of staff lost their jobs and, with the exception of a handful of handpicked favourites (yes, some did get the full EVR rates as well as picking up jobs in the CRCs), the EVR agreement was ignored and staff were paid vastly reduced severances of around 40% of the sums scheduled under the terms of the National Staff Transfer Agreement.

    Let's go back to some key aspects of that Agreement:


    Basis for transfer

    3. The Ministry of Justice has determined that transfers of employment will be undertaken by way of statutory Staff Transfer Scheme(s), supported by the Cabinet Office Statement of Practice on Staff Transfers in the Public Sector (COSOP), rather than by transfers under the Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment Regulations (TUPE).

    4. The Cabinet Office Statement of Practice, January 2000 (Revised November 2007) (‘COSOP’) will be followed. In COSOP the employees involved in such transfers will be treated no less favourably than if TUPE applied in relation to protecting statutory continuity of employment, existing terms and conditions, including occupational pensions.

    • A guarantee of employment for all probation staff, employed by a Probation Trust at 31 May 2014, in either the NPS or appropriate CRC.

    • No compulsory redundancy in either the NPS or CRCs for a period of seven months post share sale.

    • Additional protection of continuity of employment for staff employed on the 31 May 2014 who transfer between CRCs or from the NPS to a CRC for a period of seven years post share sale, this to be specified in the commercial contract.

    • Continuation of National Collective Bargaining - national collective bargaining arrangements will be continued with the recognised trade unions. These arrangements, which will replicate the existing NNC and SCCOG machinery appropriately reconstituted, will be recognised in formal Constitutions agreed
    by 31 May 2014.

    In addition, the commercial contracts will specify that, other than where more beneficial terms exist, where voluntary redundancy is offered, the enhanced terms set out at Appendix B should apply to any member of staff in a CRC employed by a Probation Trust on 31 May 2014.

    I'm not sure much of that Agreement has been honoured by anyone, certainly not by Sodexo or MoJ.

    1. Some might wonder what the point of the post above is/was.

      I suppose its a case of demonstrating how past behaviours can be used to predict future behaviours.

      Much like TR1, all of the groundwork has been done & completed, all of the boxes ticked, all of the decisions made. All that's left is to push the pieces into their positions.

      Once again Napo is left behind in a different universe, beyond the event horizon, nowhere to be seen or heard until after the flag, crossing the line after everyone else has packed up & gone home.

    2. Ok ok but what does it take to effectively make Napo do their job and take real action to protect staff. The framework already says staff will be transferred again and never likely get back to public sector. Nor will Napo campaign for real unification as the numbers won't be worth it. This time we are all screwed yet Napo endorse this by failures to mount a member led dispute.

    3. Sad to say I don't think there's anything left to do other than grab yer ankles and take it as best you can. What options are left?

      Vote against the assignment process in the ballot? What will happen? The assignment process is nearly completed. It won't change anything except, perhaps, YOUR assignment, i.e. your dissent may be noted & your destination amended.

      Appeal if you think you have grounds? When the appeal is rejected you have nowhere left to go other than where you have been assigned. Your new employer will be aware you didn't want to be there, so you might be first on the list when the squeeze is on post-transfer, a la Sodexo.

      Case study: PO, age 43, qualified in 2005, sifted to CRC in 2014. Has a previous conviction which is 'spent' (dates back to 1989), which would suggest NPS won't accept them as they will fail vetting.

      Does the CRC assign to NPS or Dynamic Framework?

      Terms & conditions are far more nuanced than salary, sickness & holiday pay.

      There is NO protection.

  8. uk govt covid-19 stuff mon 24/8/20

    cases - 853
    deaths - 4


    1. When assessing which countries are exempt from quarantine the UK is now using a 7-day rolling covid-19 rate per 100,000 figure, instead of the previous 14-day rate. No explanation has been offered as far as I can ascertain at this time.

      The only constant (K) is change.


    2. A cynic might observe the UK authorities are using the data that paints the best picture on any given day.

      But that can't possibly be true as we all know they have a far greater sense of integrity, fair play & honesty with a weather-eye on the health & well-being of the population, NOT on the popularity stakes of their own performance in office.

      Take Williamson as just one example. Ofqual are an independent agency. How can *he* be responsible for the algorithm? Or Hancock. He's not a scientist or public health expert, how can *he* be responsible for their advice?

      Or, just a thought, is it that they're a pack of teflon shitweasels hellbent on filling their pocketses regardless of the cost (lives or livelihoods) to the nation?

  9. Context - staff shafted 2013, transferred to new CRCs created by MoJ June 2014, new CRC owners confirmed Dec 2014 & ownership assumed on 1 Feb 2015.

    Napo again, back in June 2015 after Sodexo announce job cuts:

    "We made our position clear this week that the magnitude of the 600 job reductions are nothing short of madness and have posited some awkward questions that will need to be confirmed by someone about whether these plans were part of Sodexo's contract bid. If they were, then why would anyone who gave a jot about service provision and public safety sign them off as acceptable? And if they have been decided upon subsequently, why have the contractors not approached the Secretary of State for dispensation to make them?"

    But everyone knew job cuts were an integral part of the bids. The Cabinet Office had made £80m+ available to fund the redundancy payments of those staff. The Minister even told everyone in a Written Answer:

    "Under the enhanced voluntary redundancy scheme opened in advance of the transition of the Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) to new providers, probation staff were able to apply for voluntary redundancy on the basis that they would leave the service by 31 March 2016. The total cost of these redundancies was £16.4m. All remaining Modernisation Fund monies were awarded to CRCs. Redundancy funding was allocated pro-rata to CRCs based on their size and estimated future staffing requirements."

    * the scheme was opened in advance of the transition
    * All remaining Modernisation Fund monies were awarded to CRCs.
    * Redundancy funding was allocated pro-rata to CRCs based on their size and estimated future staffing requirements.

    The bids were submitted in 2013/4 and 'officially' finalised in Dec 2014. They were explicit about job losses.

    So, in June 2015, how could Napo keep a straight face when they said they had "posited some awkward questions that will need to be confirmed by someone about whether these plans were part of Sodexo's contract bid."

    Past behaviour predicts future behaviour:

    "Napo and our sister unions have almost concluded formal negotiations on a new Staff Transfer and Protections Agreement (STAP), and will be reporting the outcomes to our respective CRC members very soon. This process will also include the launch of a ballot for members currently employed by the Community Rehabilitation Companies on whether to accept the agreement."



    This assignment guidance document is an authority produced / owned product that has been discussed and shared with NPS National Trade Unions."

    1. Napo Lawrence liar then?

    2. no, that's not a reasonable or fair conclusion. its just that napo have never really been on the case since Ledgergate. i always thought it was spurr that had a hold of lawro's tail, but things don't seem to have changed much since spurr disappeared into luxurious retirement.

      i never went for senior management jobs because i'd like to think i knew my limits & knew i wouldn't be able to hack it. there's only so much blag one can get away with before you're rumbled - and then you're either in someone's pocket or out the door.

    3. i dread to think how many pockets this government is in, given their blagging & evident incompetence.

    4. Fair enough 936 if it's not basic dishonesty competence ?

    5. Honesty is a question but competency certainly a big issue over many areas of expected ability. Given the performance to date and no real action from Napo it is fair to think the moj have no regard for anything Napo might posture.

    6. i suspect @10:47 is closest, i.e. moj have no regard for anything napo say or do

  10. I hope they offer redundancy payments to anyone, CRC or NPS who wants to go this time around.
    I would like to be front of the queue but would be terrified of being crushed in the stampede.

  11. Why does everyone think there will be job losses? Same amount of cases should need same amount of staff, shouldn't it?

  12. 11:33, the answer to your question is many fold but includes the need for ‘ the third sector,’ as Blair dubbed them to make more money so they can pay exorbitant wages to chief executives who use people on unpaid work in their shops, and the need to deliver, ‘ more for less,’ -Cameron I think.
    They also want to squeeze you and me because they can as there is no opposition.
    Incidentally, whilst I appreciate that jobs and conditions are the current priority, what about wages? Our anniversary date is April and all other sectors of the public services have been paid.
    There is nothing recent on the NAPO website about anything and the national ‘leadership,’ have gone to ground.

  13. The reason there will be job losses is because a significant number of the managers cannot pass the tests to cross over to the civil service. Many have drug issues or convictions related to violence, significant debt, or have tweaked figures and deadlines etc. on behalf of their present private contractors. One was investigated six times for bullying, but then after being paid off returned as a PO. They have been hoodwinked, most are without ability and once quietly removed won't find employment else where. I suppose they may go from being service providers to service users.

  14. It is being reported that Boris Johnson will step down after six months. I guess he could take that as paternity leave. Office presenteeism is so last century, one must take of their loved ones, the children are our future!

    1. DOWNING Street has been forced to deny claims Boris Johnson is set to quit within six months because of continued illness from Covid-19 as "utter nonsense".

      No10 has knocked back a report quoting chief adviser Dominic Cummings' father-in-law suggesting that the PM was ready to step down because of the toll coronavirus has taken on him.

    2. one of ofqual chiefs has now fallen on her sword but we're still stuck with the world's most stupid education minister, the johnson buffoon & a cabinet of total tosspots.

  15. NAPO has knocked back a variety of comments claiming that it’s leadership is incompetent and puts their own vested interests above that of the membership.
    A spokesperson said we are about to sign off a stunning wages deal which will have the whole of the public sector rocking on its heels and then we are going to negotiate the most favourable terms and conditions evermore in a newly integrated service.
    Then, when we wake up, we will peep from under the blankets and see if the tooth fairy has delivered our demands or at least given us some form of excuse we can use when it all goes wrong!

    1. Very funny but this strategy worked for him when he grabbed a 20 per cent pay rise last year.

  16. "Force companies to publish their Covid safety plans - Campaign created by - TUC campaigns -

    Back up government guidance with legal force, so bad employers can’t get away with hiding their coronavirus risk assessments from staff and customers.

    Why is this important?
    Under the government’s Covid-secure rules, employers have to complete a process called a risk assessment. They must list all the ways people could be put at risk when their business is running and what they’ll do to make them safer.

    The government says medium and larger employers should publish this important document in full on their website, for everyone to see, but fewer than 200 out of tens of thousands of businesses have actually done so.

    Workers and customers need reassurance. People want to work, but not if it means putting themselves and their loved ones at risk"

    Sign the petition.

  17. uk govt covid-19 stuff tues 25/8/20

    Last updated on Tuesday 25 August 2020 at 4:47pm

    "The website is loading. Please wait.Value: — Abstract information: Daily number of new people with a lab-confirmed positive test result reported on (where available) the day of the latest update.
    Click for additional details.
    The website is loading. Please wait.Value: — Abstract information: Cumulative total number of people with a lab-confirmed positive test result reported up to (where available) the day of the latest update.
    Click for additional details.
    Cases by date reported, by nation
    Number of individuals who have had at least one lab-confirmed positive COVID-19 test result, by date reported, by nation. Initially only pillar 1 tests (NHS and, in England, PHE labs) were included but pillar 2 (commercial tests) have been included from varying dates between 15th June and 14th July for each nation, leading to step increases in the numbers of cases reported at different times.
    The website is loading. Please wait."

    After a 15 minute wait there's still no progress.

    1. As good as it gets:

      Last updated on Tuesday 25 August 2020 at 4:47pm

      UK Summary

      Latest available data
      People tested positive
      N/A Data not currently available for this metric.
      Click for additional details.


    2. Latest News August 25 (GMT) Updates

      1,184 new cases and 16 new deaths in the United Kingdom


  18. Annon today @08:40 might like to read the following article.
    I think it very true. We're asked to take everything on trust and accept that the Governments integrity is beyond reproach, yet we see lies and corruption on a daily bases.


    1. With regard to the Dynamic Framework, I note from the the answer to a parliamentary question on tendering, the ONLY procurement of services probation will be able to make are in the areas of Accomodation, Employment and Education and Training. Anything else will be mainly procured by police.
      I wonder then if people being transfered from CRCs to DFParteners will be transfered solely to the partners procured by the NPS, or may they find themselves being transfered to partnerships being procured by other agencies such as Police and Crime Commissioners?
      If that were to happen, I'm wondering if any negotiated transfer protections would still be binding?
      I'm also wondering what powers this method of procurement will give to PCCs in relation to determining how probation services are modeled and run?


    2. Thanks getafix - reading it now.

    3. In his statement to the House of Commons on 11th June 2020, the Lord Chancellor confirmed plans for a Probation Services Dynamic Framework through which the National Probation Service and other public bodies can commission rehabilitative and resettlement services. It opened on 11th June for registration by prospective suppliers with an interest in provision of one or more of 14 service categories.

      Our plans for the first set of contracts to be commissioned through the Framework reflect our assessment of the relative distribution of offender needs, the availability of existing local provision, and the capacity of both the third sector and HMPPS (in light of the impact of COVID-19) to complete call-off competitions and mobilise services in time for the start of future arrangements in June 2021. These contracts will be commissioned for delivery at police force or probation region level. We initially intend to run competitions for lots which cover the following Probation Services Dynamic Framework service categories:

      • Accommodation
      • Employment, training, and education
      • Family and significant others
      • Lifestyle and associates
      • Emotional wellbeing
      • Social inclusion
      • Women
      • Young adults (in Wales only)

      Of these, accommodation and employment, training and education services will be commissioned at NPS regional level. All others will be commissioned at Police Force Area level.

      As we finalise the detail of these plans, Ministers and members of the Probation Reform Programme team will continue to meet regularly with voluntary sector organisations to seek their feedback on our plans. Officials are supporting workshops which will be run by Clinks and which will cover a range of topics linked to participation in the Probation Services Dynamic Framework, including consortia building, to aid voluntary sector organisations in their bids for contracts.

      I will place a copy of the Framework in the library of the House.

  19. uk govt covid-19 excuses, lies & other distractions for weds 26 aug 2020:

    "The service is currently operational but owing to technical difficulties, the data is taking longer than usual to load. We apologise for any inconvenience and are working to restore optimal speed as soon as possible."

    cases - ? after 10 mins ?
    deaths - ? after 10 mins ?

    "Do we explain the data well? Please help us make this service better by completing our new survey."

    Last 24 hours:

    resignations - ofqual 1, govt 0
    sackings - govt 0 civl service 1


    1. "Another head has rolled over the UK's exam results fiasco. The Department for Education announced its most senior civil servant, Jonathan Slater, would step down on 1 September, adding "the prime minister has concluded that there is a need for fresh official leadership".

      Boris Johnson earlier blamed a "mutant algorithm" for creating a situation in which many students' A-level results were unfairly downgraded and they lost out on university and college places.

      The National Education Union accused Mr Johnson of trying to "idly shrug away a disaster that his own government created".

      Mr Slater's departure comes a day after the resignation of Sally Collier, head of the exams regulating body, Ofqual. Meanwhile Gavin Williamson, education secretary, stays in his job."

      Oh, and still no data. Feel free to look for yourselves if you're interested:


    2. A disreputable tabloid provided figures for today just a few minutes ago: "1,048 new positive cases and 16 deaths were recorded on Wednesday August 26."

      best I can do, sorry.


    3. Any chance we might get Toby Young as Jonathan Slater's replacement at education? Or David Starkey? Coz if we're going to get the Trump loving Aussi Tony Abbott heading our world trade team we may as well keep the same standards throughout.
