Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Latest From Napo 125

Here we have the latest Newsletter sent to London Napo members and a very different style to those of the previous Chair, Pat Waterman:-


November’s Joint Negotiating Committee meeting between the CRC owner and the unions was again positive and open – the unions being encouraged by MTC’s honest assessment of their challenges and also their willingness to draw from our local and professional knowledge and expertise. An example of this is how we are working closely with them around office closures – the unions recognising that some offices are not fit for purpose whilst passing on important local intelligence and discussing creatively options for alternatives. Members with particular with particular concerns around office moves are encouraged to share these with Napo. The unions were also invited to meet their design consultants planning office layouts where we will pass on lessons from other CRC’s who haven’t got this right.

MTC also updated us on reforms to delivery to support their emerging Vision 2020. Napo welcomed recognition that the cohort model had led to hugely variable caseloads and welcome moves to geographically based teams with consistent and manageable workloads. We specifically raised concerns about line management capacity if Band 5’s are expected to have full day-to-day line management responsibility for up to 15 staff – impossible to do well if that includes all appraisals and performance management with other professional aspects of the role. Napo will continue to press for more resources and numbers in the first frontline manager roles across probation.

After meeting staff involved and representing concerns to NPS senior management a clearer, fairer and more inclusive process for assessing the anomaly of AP Deputy Managers and the E3 model was negotiated and agreed. AP Deputy Mangers were obviously concerned that their roles had previously been job evaluated at band 5 but their role didn’t feature in the E3 template and so they were potentially at risk of being downgraded and prevented from being considered for the Band 5 roles in the new structure.

However, after the negotiations, a job matching process was agreed and the roles were matched to Band 5, confirming the integrity of the original job evaluations. This still leaves a concern around potentially accommodating more staff into AP manager roles than there are currently jobs and Napo will continue to monitor this and support members, including AP Managers, impacted.

This example highlights how important it is that Napo won the no-redundancy agreement and three year pay protection for staff impacted by E3 – without this, such situations would have been even more complex and threatening for members.

Since June Napo have been involved in regular discussions with NPS officials about potential pay reform. These talks are progressing positively but are reaching a point where potential structures will need to be modelled and costed. Members are encouraged to attend local meetings and look out for Napo briefings over the coming weeks for more details.

In the meantime, we anticipate all employers seeking to pay the contractual incremental step for all staff not at their pay band maxima in the coming weeks. Following a national meeting this week, we agree not to object to these payments being made but will monitor their application closely. We are aware that many who left the service or retired during the last award period have not yet been paid their contractual pro-rata entitlements, or had pension payments adjusted accordingly. It is of great concern to us that the NPS and SSCL have struggled to process payments properly or advise CRC’s on their obligations under the terms of the award.

Napo are continuing to log and raise ICT problems, both locally and at national level. We are especially concerned about the impact for Assisted Technology users of problems, as well as the impact on all staff of periods when much of the system doesn’t work.

Napo’s view is that the whole current ICT structure for probation is inadequate and dangerous. These reservations are reflected in the recent critical HMIP inspectorates report. We are concerned that CRC’s are seeking to develop improved working models, but that these have to be integrated into ancient systems. These concerns are being raised nationally, including with Ministers.

Napo has been scrutinising the Prison Reform White Paper published last week in the immediate wake of the on-going prison crisis. There is evident concern that the scale of the prison crisis will see a panicked reaction with additional resources being made available but then wasted on panicked, short term measures. The direction of travel was already for more probation staff to be working with offenders in custody, giving rise to challenging management and delivery issues that could (especially in an overstretched service with staff shortages already) have further complicated ramifications for all parts of probation. It is critical that probation has a strong, professional voice at all levels of the conversation and Napo welcomes any members’ input via info@napo.org.uk

London Branch would like to thank all members who made it to Cardiff for the AGM at the end of September. It was a successful event with many members leaving more optimistic about our future as a service and as a union. As ever there were some outstanding professional sessions and debates. There is still plenty of opportunity for members to get more involved in Napo in London – all volunteers are welcome and if you have something to give we’ll try to make sure we can find a way to make the best use of whatever time, skills and support you can offer. We’re also looking to maintain our reputation as the most social of Napo branches, starting with our forthcoming QUIZ night on 30th November. If you are interested in taking part please email. Alternatively, call the London Branch office XXXXXXXXXXX as from the 21st November.


Remember you can get cheaper subs by paying directly through Direct Debit and can also access our extensive new Napo members’ Benefits Package and save the cost of membership in full.

DEAN ROGERS (Assistant General Secretary) 




  1. Reads like it was written by management. Nothing about PSO's taking PO jobs in the NPS. Pathetic!

  2. "the unions being encouraged by MTC’s honest assessment of their challenges".

    Really!? This is not what the staff are saying!


      ambiguous euphemistic language used chiefly in political propaganda or in this case privatisation

    2. This was written by Dean Rogers a few days before the branch meeting. IT problems meant it could not be sent electronically. Not one word of this was written by David Raho. His name was added by someone else.

  3. Does anyone know whether the AP Deputy Manager job matching to Band 5 has been agreed nationally?

  4. "MTC also updated us on reforms to delivery to support their emerging Vision 2020."

    Is 2020 the date that they hope to have their operational model in full working order, or does 2020 have a different meaning in this context?
    2years already, plus another 4years to 2020? Isn't that nearly two thirds of the way into a 10year contract before you hope to have your house in order?
    2020 must have a different context surely?


  5. The comments on Pay are a little -concerning- as it implies NAPO nave continued with the NPS going their own way negotiations against the conference resolution

    1. Yes London outside of the AGM resolution demonstrates a complete failing to understand democratic motions that's the end of Napo

    2. The conference resolution was very principled but practically useless and toothless. Yes we all love collective bargaining but the employers dont want to play ball - especially the NPS. The last couple of NNC meetings were poorly attended by employers (read the breifing paper produced at AGM by those who actually attend these meetings) who voted with their feet and those who did attend said nowt because of commercial secrecy. The NPS walked away then came back to again to stony silence and a half filled room. Most of the big players including the NPS are expected to follow MTCnovo and serve notice in the new year and Napo will be sitting in an empty room twiddling their thumbs with Comrade Chas and his sidekick stood outside selling their newspapers and dreaming of the winter of discontent. At least Raho has the balls to see the reality of the new landscape and not kid himself that probation staff will take to the streets and strike - they wont.

    3. Are you not clear that this is a democratic union? This situation splits the union puts London at odds with the national membership and discredits his poor NPS chair colleagues in this political disaster and no doubt Rogers the bodges put him up to it as that is what they wanted at AGM All the Official were manipulating. Members are just the bankers we get no say.

    4. It reflects a real live issue that will soon be facing every branch. You can ignore the train coming towards you but if you stay still it will roll over you. You cannot change the fact that the NNC is disintegrating and has been for some time. It is not fit for purpose. The motion was passed in accordance with all the relevant rules.

  6. London Branch treachery. Sucking up to the privateers. Bring back Pat.

  7. I was at the branch meeting. It was terrible. David spoke like a manager and Dean came across pro mtcnovo. A motion was passed to support a break away from national negotiations to make them local. If David leads these negotiations kiss good by what we have now and say hello to poor pay and terrible terms and conditions. We need to get shot of Dean Rogers and Ian Lawrence.

    1. Can they go against what was agreed at AGM. Dean Rodgers certainly has to go in that case. Stop paying him now.

    2. When london napo chairs are not sucking up to ian lawrence and his slick seedy shadow Dean Rogers he they are cozying up to senior management

    3. You misunderstood the motion. It was not to break away. It was to recognise a changed situation and to refer the matter to the NEC. yes this explanation is less sensational but that's what it was about.

  8. A start my come from London writing their own branch reports. A national official Asst General Secretary actually writing a branch report. Makes you wonder what is his day job. Why is he influencing members led activity and if London set this stall up like this contrary to national recent motion to AGM then London should leave NAPO . It is interference so the officials get what they want not what the members need.

    1. what is rogers day job? it certainly doesn't include responding to emails. he is a disgrace

    2. Yes and he is a slippery and well known as disingenuous. Does an MA and produces that de -professionalising dissertation and it falls way short poorestcraft and a waste of money his appointment.

  9. You can trust London Branch always get it wrong.

  10. London Branch? This is Dean Rogers and David Raho. NOT London Branch.

    1. No it is London Branch because they voted in a particular way and asked no questions. Rogers is an old working friend and ally of Ian Lawrence so he got that job on a handshake and back room deal. He would never get elected ordinarily and he does appear around every damaging corner to napo members interest. We need an independent NEC driven investigation to officials behaviours and meddling illegitimately in proper member led business. We call the tune not them. Time we all took a stand. That meddling may be what the certifications officer would be interested in.

  11. Sorry it is London Branch both Raho and Johnson proposed the motion to undermine national AGM. Although Rogers is behind it all. I expected David Raho to cave. He was up Pat Watermans backside now he is up Dean Rogers and MTCnovo. But the others? Deary me.

    1. David Raho is a hero. He fought privatisation. Promotes professional values as an editor on Probation Journal. He was the linchpin of the media campaign with all his media contacts. How foolish, cruel and unfair his critics are. Do not, for one moment believe the attacks. David will continue to fight TR and please remember he is an excellent rep with no facility time. If we fight each other the CRC’S win and we lose.

    2. He may be but he knows nothing of union business does he. This is a repeat business issue and should have been rejected. How many of the membership attended London branch then? Are these small number greater in knowledge and debate than that of the AGM that only just determined on this issue in OCTOBER. If they don't want to to take part in the democratic outcomes they need to reconsider their position the executive need to resign and London members get a grip.

    3. A hero? What psychoactive substances have you been abusing? London's media campaign was a damp squib, no television coverage and only local rags taking an interest between eulogies and for sale second hand dishwashers. David is in the pockets of his owner. I heard he was wearing a BIONIC badge at Horrible House. Like all London Chairs he fell for power. RIP Tom Rendon RIP David Raho.

    4. Actually I think Raho has a slightly larger golden BIONIC badge than the standard one. Since Friday the power has clearly gone to his head and I am sickened to see him in the tea room surrounded by fawning admirers fighting to make him tea or cure minor illnesses etc. Funny you should mention dishwashers as mine broke but upon mentioning his name it was fixed and my terms and conditions improved almost instantly. Thank you Raho.

    5. I'm definitely going with the bigger badge rumour 01:39. I did not actually see the badge but I just know he is wearing it and it is gold. I also noticed that he has a larger phone and if I am not mistaken his laptop was working. Very suspicious.

    6. Maybe I'm old fashioned but all this depersonalising public school/grammar school nonsense of referring to people by their surnames is tiresome. It doesn't take much to call people by their names. In this case it is David Raho and Patricia Johnson.

      All this talk of corporate badge wearing is nonsense and I am sure 02:24 is joking. David wears a Napo badge and Napo lanyard. He does wear other badges supporting eg cancer research, a Tardis, Mr Ben, various scifi related badges.

  12. Just read the email from London Branch was not able to attend the branch meeting last Friday but a colleague fed back to me. I'm done I'm out. It reads like one of Helga Swidenbanks crc communication emails.

    1. OMG how can you admit in public 14:53 that you have read one of Helga's comms emails. Remember to always rely on secondhand information and never admit to reading a comms email directly otherwise you will risk knowing what is going on and not be able to claim convincingly when interrogated that you dont. Your colleague made a mistake as he should have claimed that he had met someone who had attended. Also remember to claim you do not do social media but secretly do it compulsively.

  13. London Branch hops into bed with MTCNovo; mimicking Shivery Road Crew colluding with MoJ, Noms, Sodexo & WL/Aurelius.

    Come on, union people, admit you have known this was all about job losses from the get-go. All the costly tweaks, delays & ribbons have simply been window-dressing for the last four or five years,Top Table cosily tucked up with the TR protagonists, selling members down the river, delaying everything until, ooops!! - too little too late.

    Is there a Union Ombudsman to oversee that a union's actions have been in it's members' best interests?

    1. Yes, s/he is the Certification Officer, and I for one think we are long overdue in calling some of NAPO's actions to book.

  14. There is no union Ombudsman but you are so accurate in your assessment of the collusion. It certainly does appear that way despite the brave efforts being made any national napo involvement seems to be the kiss of death to any hardworking and hopeful napo member who is looking of the unions to deliver any outcome or genuine attempt to check these rogue employers.

  15. If London want to pull out of national bargaining they go against the AGM ruling. There choice but London members will still be entitled to collective agreements unless local branch negotiates something different.Just cos their London branch doesn't mean they're not members of NAPO. This should waiver their rights to be on any NAPO committees as they couldn't represent the unions objectives and members interests as London is only and has ever only been interested in London. You can't waiver members rights for collective agreements just by voting at branch level to reject the collective bargaining mechanism. You just get to negotiate locally, some Trusts chose this mechanism some time ago un the days of Trusts.

    1. National collective bargaining is now a farce. Napo members were duped at the AGM into voting for a motion that meant zilch/nudda. If the private companies decide to walk away noone can make them stay. Do you seriously think the MoJ will force anyone to parley with the unions? Of course London is only interested in London although we can stretch to Thames valley at a pinch. No one has mentioned Manchester going alone.

  16. If you want to complain about your unions decisions and actions start by contacting the Chairs and ask for it to be NEC correspondence.

    1. HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAH you have to be joking but that was funny. That pair will file under B for bin then collude it away in their aggressive style they are so good at. NEC don't make me laugh so funny.

  17. I'm not sure why everyone is expressing such surprise at this. Unions are notorious for cozying up to big money, at the expense of the ordinary people they claim to represent. Most union barons are corrupt and only in it to feather their own nest. That's why (in my opinion) unions are a waste of time.

    1. Raho is a secret billionaire who lives in a cave surrounded by incredibly advanced gadgets. Obviously becoming a union activist is a surefire way to become rich and of course he has no understanding of ordinary people like us.

  18. David Raho. Stop being quiet and defend your motion.

    1. I have some advice for you Raho. Remember Rendon?

      "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" - George Santayana

    2. David Raho is a cunning little man of many talents. Maybe this is a stratagem of his. Suck up to mtcnovo, pretend to be an impotent chair and strike at the pivotal moment.

    3. .....and not a mention of the motion in his branch report.

    4. He was hiding it in a sub text. Perhaps he just forgotten that he has proposed a major break from the views of the supreme member led democratic union that had just ruled on this matter a month ago.

    5. I think you have it 21:30. He is a strategist par excellence and needs no advice 21;01 as he has clearly got you hook line and sinker. I have seen him at work and you can easily be fooled into thinking that he is thinking the exact opposite of what you expect only to find he isn't it it is you who have not realised you were part of a more complex manouvre. He will no doubt be mildly amused at the ease with which he has clearly manipulated and steered the comments on this blog post to do him down -for whatever machievellian reason he wants that to happen at this point in time. Every single move this man makes is planned and calculated to the nth degree with a bit of edgy randomness thrown in to hide his real intent. He knows exactly what he is doing. Watch out because when his motion hits the next NEC meeting the web will have already been spun and he will sit back whilst the endgame falls into place and the spider realises too late that they are really the fly. Underestimate him at your peril. I was at the branch meeting - what a performance - he deserves a bloody oscar.

    6. Wheels within wheels 01:03 Are you the player or the played?

    7. 01.20 us brilliant. You must be raho himself. Any man walking around with a big gold badge I'd a joker particularly if it's says BIONICA on. It's scares me that these are the people we pay to safeguard our future. Dud dean do an MA? That's like 30k a year. Who paid for that and why thr fuck would someone working in napo need one? You guys paid for his next career move

    8. Raho is known to wear a Napo badge but saying he has ever worn an MTCnovo BIONIC badge, let alone a large gold one, is a complete fabrication.

    9. I've seen it so you're wrong 13.27

    10. 14:27 He is sitting right in front of me and I just asked him. He said he was given one. He has never, ever, worn it and he uses it as a fridge magnet.

    11. He looked bemused at my question. Apparently people keep asking to see his big gold BIONIC badge.

      Today he is wearing a small gold coloured Napo badge and typically he offered to give it to me.

  19. Why hasn't Raho got us a payrise yet? He has been in post as co-chair since Friday. I would also like to point out that I turned on the radio this morning there was no interview with Raho on the today programme or on breakfast TV either. The man is a disgrace. I bought a scratch card yesterday and lost clearly his fault. I heard that thanks to the overwhelming condemnation on this blog post he will now be offered a seat on the board of MTCnovo and has agreed to have BIONIC tatooed in 4" letters across his chest by Helga dressed as a viking. I shall be leaving whatever union he owns.

  20. Is there not an equivalent of the former NMAG - Napo Members Action Group - functioning in any branch, collectively preparing motions for National Napo and informing the wider membership of the implications - political and otherwise of various prospective courses of action?

    Maybe this is the actual end game for Napo, remembering London Probation (NPS & CRC combined) is about a quarter or fifth the size of Probation as a whole in England and Wales.

    I presume most practitioner readers know this, but some readers may not.

  21. I don't even work on London and word has traveled on what a knob this raho is. Out for himself. Raho should've resigned by now. I've always said napo chairs are people who want to be managers but couldn't cut it to reach to that level. They then bask in their perceived stardom when the reality is they're only a civil servant to its members

  22. Why on earth would anyone want to stand as a Union rep whether Unison or Napo when all and sundry post insults like the above 09:09 who acknowledges they don't know the man they are insulting.Whatever motion was put before London branch (and I am concerned it sounds as if this contradicted one passed at National AGM)London members voted for it.

    1. Totally agree 09:17. I have had the pleasure to have known David Raho for many years and he is someone of the utmost integrity.

      David was elected unanimously as Co-chair Napo CRC in London. When Pat Waterman left no one in London wanted the job including David however he has been effectively been performing the role of Chair despite his facility time for his other branch posts being taken away. David works full-time as a H&S Advisor for London CRC and goes from office to office trying to improve conditions for all probation staff. He gets no payment for what he does for Napo or facility time do it and takes annual leave to participate in the Probation Journal editorial board etc. Those who were calling for him to respond on here yesterday clearly have a lot more time than he does as he was out and about doing what he is paid to do. A lot of silly insulting comments have been made about him on here. He has always acted entirely in good faith with the support of London members.

      David has been standing up for members far more effectively than any number of wannabe tub thumpers who say much but do little. He does an excellent job that puts others to shame - and yes he is an excellent practitioner well regarded by colleagues for nearly 30 years and has been involved in training and drug and alcohol work. He is also very highly respected in the academic community and is a consultant to several organisations related to criminal justice. He does not seek advancement and promotion through his union activities though he is clearly more capable than any number of senior managers some of which used their union activity to launch their careers.

      The emergency motion being discussed on here was put before London branch at a quorate branch meeting last Friday following MTCnovo’s indication of intent. David spoke to the motion and invited questions from members. It was put to the vote and only two members voted against it. 99% of those present at the meeting voted for it as it made good sense. Members were invited to speak against and no one did so.

      It is not London Branch who is walking away from the National Negotiating Committee but rather the employers of every Napo member in London and Thames Valley. David is doing the right thing for members by seeking to establish a proper framework agreement along with other unions and the employers that will work both locally and across both CRCs that MTCnovo own. He respects the motion passed at the AGM but realises that a distributed modernised version of collective bargaining that is fit for purpose and acceptable to all parties at the table. In David we have someone with both intelligence and integrity. It may take a while for the rest of us to come up to speed but this is the way forward and London are actually showing great bravery and strength of purpose in raising this issue. London is fiercely independent not led by National Napo. Having nothing in place at all at a time of rapid change would be a disservice to Napo members. The minority who might oppose a local framework agreement are not dealing with the presenting reality and apparently want David to register a formal dispute with MTCnovo for walking away from the National Negotiations (they have a right to do so should as have any other employer including the NPS) and presumably go on strike. The fact is no one is going to go on strike.

    2. Thanks very much indeed for that explanation.

    3. This is the text of the emergency motion being referred to:


      The Proposed CRC Framework Agreement

      At the last JNC MTCnovo announced that it is their intention to serve notice and withdraw from the National Negotiating Committee. It is known that other employers including the NPS, some of whom have already ceased to attend, are likely to do the same. This effectively means the end of single table national negotiations and collective bargaining on things like pay and universally applied terms and conditions.

      Whilst this branch recognises that single table collective bargaining with all the employers present is the ideal the reality is that this has not been taking place for some time. The announcement by MTCnovo regarding their CRC contract areas means that national negotiations will now formerly cease to exist in all but name. MTCnovo are adamant they are not prepared to reconsider their position.

      The alternative to a formal framework agreement is to have no formal consultation or negotiation process agreed with the CRC employers and this could hinder our ability to engage in consultation and negotiate on behalf of members or even have any influence on the employers decision making processes at what is a critical time for all those currently employed by LCRC or TVCRC.

      We ask this branch to indicate support both for the ongoing development of an acceptable framework agreement with the employers and for our NEC representatives to bring this matter to the next meeting of the NEC for urgent consideration as an emergency motion.

      Proposer: David Raho

      CRC Health & Safety Convenor

      Seconder: Patricia Johnson

      NPS Co Chair

    4. I would like to suggest that the London NAPO branches apparent willingness to accept the loss of facility time without a murmur (please someone, correct me if I am wrong), would certainly have given confidence to MCT Novo to propose walking away from NNC. The local vote last week has unfortunately only endorsed this position. I have read elsewhere recently of trade unionists not wholly in favour of relying on the law in discussions with management. In my experience however, no amount of hand wringing or special pleading cuts it with the kind of employers we are currently having to deal with. Nicey nicey won't stop them riding roughshod over our roles or our basic (hard won) terms and conditions. If we are seen not to accept our own internal democratic processes (the motion passed at Conference supporting NNC) then why should management? London has done the rest of us no favours and Dean Rogers role in this is shameful. He should resign immediately because he clearly doesn't accept the AGM outcome.

    5. The matter of the loss of facility time was referred to Napo HQ who are apparently talking to MTCnovo. The outgoing Chair in London apparently tried and failed to secure a lasting agreement.

    6. There were two emergency motions passed last Friday proposed by ex CRC Napo Vice Chair David Masterson and Tuncay Gurhan

      The other one says

      'Emergency Motion: 18/11/16.

      London Facilities Time

      It has come to my attention on 17/11/16 that not all London NAPO Branch posts within the CRC have been filled.

      It was also confirmed to me on 17/11/16 that facility time has not been secured via NAPO in negotiations with MTCNovo.

      Therefore I submit this emergency motion

      This Branch believes the employer of London CRC MTCNovo in cutting all facility time for trade union representations, negotiations and organising duties has disproportionately impacted on London Branch NAPO members employed by MTCNovo. We feel like second rate employees and further, more second rate Trade Union members.

      This attack on facility time is designed to undermine the organised and democratic representation of workers in their workplaces and is causing members anxiety and significant stress.

      We call on Dean Rogers Link Official to negotiate facility time for the posts of

      CRC Co Chair

      CRC Vice Chair,

      CRC H&S Conveyner

      In line with our colleagues in the NPS. The NPS has facility time of 1.5 FTE (full time equivalent which works out to be seven and a half days facility time). The CRC should have the same.

      We instruct Dean Rogers to negotiate firmly with MTCNovo and if necessary use all tools at our disposal including disputes, instructing members to work to rule and anything short of and including industrial action.

      We call upon Dean Rogers to update members on progress and call upon all members to support him in this instruction.

      Proposed by David Masterson

      Seconded by Tuncay Gurhan

    7. 12:09 was posted whilst I was writing mine. London branch doesn't have to be 'led by NAPO' however the branch is not an independent body but rather part of a recognised trade union, which it appears to have forgotten. They are not 'leading the way' rather they have undermined Conference and weakened both NAPO's and local Reps overall position in future negotiations/discussions. I consider this reprehensible. The fact that some Members of the Top table appear still to be supporting this agenda shows a complete lack of understanding or acceptance of first principles - solidarity for one.

    8. Any branch can consider any motion as long as it falls within the rules. This motion will now go to the NEC next week where Chas will no doubt object to it on the basis of Repeat Business. This will be challenged by those who realise that the the AGM motion is now out of date. Matters have moved on. London branch did not make employers withdraw from the NNC or hastened their exit. Reasonable employers want to talk to the unions just not in one big room with NPS and their business rivals present. All London have been doing is looking at what an acceptable local framework agreement might look like. I understand similar processes are taking place with every other employer as the farce that is the NNC is well known.

    9. If only 2 members voted against the motion and 99 % noted for it, can I assume that 200 members were at the London CRC branch meeting?

    10. 1209 yea yea yea but how many members in London branch is 99% you could have had 5 people there this sounds very disingenuous. Numbers please

  23. This is the explanation David gave

    'In London Branch we wish to continue to be able to consult and negotiate alongside employee representatives from UNISON and GMB with the employers on behalf of Napo members. If we withdraw then the employers would regrettably continue to negotiate with those unions at the table who, though broadly in agreement on most matters, may well have different interests that they may wish to pursue on behalf of their members.

    As a contingency measure and in anticipation of the situation we now find ourselves in Napo London and Napo Thames Valley have been working with the other recognized trade unions and negotiating with the employers to formulate a draft framework agreement similar in scope to the present NNC agreement formalizing consultation and negotiation at a local level and across the CRC’s owned by MTCnovo.'

    1. Raho has crossed the line. He is the cause of all this in fighting so he can further his career. You all need to stick to national napo and show these londoners they are not running the show. We are.

    2. No line crossed. He has done everything by the book. It's still a free country and so let's have a debate.

    3. Wrong the AGM have ruled on this read the posts. This situation is a ridiculous position for London Branch. Attempting an escape from the national collective is a foolhardy venture. London branch members putting their silly right hands up . Smacks of Smug self grandiose bunch . You should actually understand what the minority branch is voting for. Getting out of the NNC terms is the same as saying thanks but no thanks none of the national protections arrangements are any use to London members because we have just walked out of all the NNC terms and legacy policies. Leaving to try and grab some sugar in the form of facility time might explain a little more of the desire to be doing some other role than the day job and probably burning the hours doing that out of date snobbish Napo Journal. Chas Chuckle Berry will be doing his keystone cops impression and truncheon someone for this and outlaw it by an nec and constitutional clause. He ought to do some work this week then and bring the London idiocy under check.

  24. Raho is usually on here promoting himself, where is he now? Although I do suspect some of these pro Raho anonymous posts sound similar to his usual posts.

  25. Raho where for art thou Raho

  26. If members are so unhappy with NAPO why do you remain with it. Stop paying your subs. Get rid of em, they gave done buggar all for us. Nest feathering can only occur if it's allowed.

  27. How can the union make the ridiculous claim that they won't object to the incremental increase being paid???? Ludicrous, should have been paid AUTOMATICALLY on 1 April!!! Wake up, why are you allowing em to do this to us. If the bloody unions won't fight for us, do it yourselves. This is a breach of contract. Sue em via County Court - breach of contract or employment tribunal, Unlawful Withholding Of Salary. About time we let them know we've had enough and are now going to fight back.
