Ok this is happening!!
Due to popular demand the work towards setting up a new union for those working in the Prison/Criminal justice service is well underway.
As promised on Wednesday, I said that an update on progress would be provided over the next couple of days, and we are pleased to start identifying the foundations of how the new Union will operate. This is based around a lot of what has been said on this forum and others over the past few years, taking into account people’s concerns, criticisms and to ensure people can have faith that they are at the centre of the Union.
The basis for organisation will be as follows;
The new Union will be known as the ‘Criminal Justice Workers Union’ or CJWU.
The Union will have a rule book and constitution, that will be amended at annual conference as directed by members.
The main purpose of the Union will be to represent members through any formal work-related matter, such as disciplinary, grievance, sick, FARM (capability) hearings, appeals and so on. To provide professional advice and assistance to its membership.
The Union will register with the Certification Officer and operate under TULCRA legislation and other relevant Trade Union law. This includes the necessity to have certain positions within the union.
The Union will have a small Executive Committee (EC), the positions will be determined as per the requirement under legislation. EC members will receive no financial incentive, salary or grant in administering the Union’s Official business from the outset.
Membership will be open to all staff that work in the Criminal Justice sector.
The Union will set an initial subscription rate at £7.50 a month for all members, which will be predominantly to administer the Union and provide funding for the legal advice and representation that members will have access to.
The subscription rate will be lowered or increased as necessary in future, as will work be undertaken to introduce a sliding scale membership dependent on earnings.
Initial estimates are that the subscription rate would be more than sufficient to cover estimated expenditure of the Union; and build funding up for legal support/advice and challenges the Union may wish to pursue.
The union will have a website/digital platform where members will be able to join the Union and have access to members’ only information, events and self-help resources. Each member will have their own ‘hub’ which will allow them to opt in/out of what emails, information etc… they wish to receive.
The Union will seek to have voluntary recognition with employers where membership exists, but where this is not agreed, will seek to have recognition in ‘business units’ where the majority of membership is with the Criminal Justice Workers Union. This may include seeking statutory recognition through the Central Arbitration Committee at a later date.
The Union will not join the TUC whilst establishing itself and will only join the TUC if the members request it following an identified need and motion to future conference.
The Union will be explicitly non-political. It will not promote any party with its members via official channels, whilst engaging with all political parties and groups to further the aims of its members. However, individual members will be free to support any political party in a personal capacity of their choosing and will not be denigrated or disparaged for doing so.
The Union will not purchase or lease a registered Office unless this proves necessary in future years. The registered office will be set from the home addresses of those executing the unions business. No payment financial or otherwise will be made to the individual for use of their home address as the registered Office. To start with the registered office will be set as my home address.
The Union does not plan to employ any administrative staff and will seek to use digital & online technologies to run and manage membership databases, finance and other essential functions of the union. This will prove to be much cheaper than employing administrative staff to carry-out this work.
If there is a need to employ staff, pay will be based on the public sector prison pay grades, therefore no employee of the Union will earn more than the people that they represent, and will only receive pay increases at the same time and rate of the members they represent. This will ensure that any Union staff is incentivised to work for the benefit of members, which will also benefit themselves.
The Union will establish a relationship with a large National Solicitors firm, that can provide legal advice for members on criminal, employment and personal injury matters. Slater Gordon are currently in discussions with us on the matter of legal provision and are an experienced Trade Union Solicitors.
Legal advice and support will need to follow a prescriptive policy as laid down by the membership and in order to ensure best use of Union funds. Only the Union’s Executive Committee or through conference will legal support/advice outside of the policy be provided to members.
The Union will establish Branches and regional areas of representation.
The Union will set-out to build a network of Branch representatives where members of the CJWU are present. A small Executive Committee (EC) will administer the Union for the first twelve months before elections will need to be called as per TULCRA legislation. A regional structure will be introduced following the
Representatives will be able to access a representatives’ hub area on the Union’s website/digital platform to find resources and training videos on how to best support and represent members.
Long-term it will be the desire of the Union to seek to run a 365 24/7 service, through on call representatives working shifts, allowing members to access support whenever they need it.
The Union will establish an expenses manual to ensure representatives are able to claim back any approved expenditure in providing representation to members.
The Union will hold conferences, where branches can bring motions to create or change policy of the Union, following the first year of activity. The frequency and timing of such conferences will be determined by the Union’s EC initially.
The Union will maintain official social media accounts via twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms to promote the message and aims of its members.
Member’s will be issued with a membership card, PIN badge, annual diary and wristband once the Union is in a stable position to do so.
These are the initial principles and basis on which the New Union will be formed. More information will follow in due course, along with a launch date for the new Union to commence accepting membership. We appreciate there will be lots of questions unanswered at this stage, but in due course we will provide further information. We also anticipate teething issues with some of the above, so would ask all potential future members to remain patience whilst we get this right.
Thank you for reading!
13th December 2019
Thank you to everyone who has enquired about joining the CJW Union and has offered to assist with setting up branches and becoming representatives for the new Union. I must say we have been overwhelmed by the volume of enthusiasm for this new venture. It clearly is the right time and long overdue.
A number of key experienced people are involved with this new union and we hope to announce the people that will be involved shortly. However I wanted to make it clear that I will not be taking up any of the leadership roles in the new union from the outset, rather that I will be too busy trying to setup the new union and assisting in the representation of the many members that we acquire as a result. We are responding to a need and plugging the gap that many of you have been requesting.
Some valid concerns have been raised about recognition on wider issues with regards to negotiation on key topics, however there are processes that can be followed if the employer is not willing to offer voluntary recognition at each ‘business unit’ and will be followed to achieve statutory recognition. I have detailed these processes below to achieve the full spectrum of recognition to our members in the new union. For the record we do not need to be a member of the TUC to achieve recognition.
Once we have a strong membership base, we will start petitions in each ‘business unit’ for workers to sign to derecognise the existing union. The petition will state that they no longer wish to be represented by that Union and have demonstrated this by joining the Criminal Justice Workers Union.
Once an application to derecognise the existing union is being processed, we can then start the process of balloting or petitioning workers to show that they now wish to be recognised by the Criminal Justice Workers Union. This will evidence that we have members wanting to be recognised by the new union and we can start the process with the Central Arbitration Committee for statutory recognition.
I trust this update clears up some confusion over this issue. The new Union will be able to represent members in all of the key areas of representation such as disciplinaries, capabilities, sick absence etc… from the outset, any worker has the right to belong to any trade union of their choosing and ACAS guidance stipulates rights for representatives to support their members, hence representatives will be able to support you in the same way as any other Trade Union representative through formal processes.
More updates will follow in due course.
16th December 2019
A New Year, A New Start.
We hope that everyone had a nice and relaxing festive season, but most importantly that you were able to spend time with family and friends, and that a safe and pleasant time was enjoyed by all.
So with the festive season already a distant memory and at the dawn of a new decade, it's time to start new ventures...with a trade Union that puts you first. We hope you will decide to join us on our journey when we launch officially.
Preparations in setting up the new Union are well underway, and we will soon be able to share more exciting announcements with our followers. We decided that we wouldn't launch our services until we had the legal support for members in place. As one of our founders said "it'll be like having AA cover and no mechanics". So those of you desperate wanting to sign up, please be patient, we promise not to make you wait too long!
Thank you to everyone who has been in contact since the announcement that a new Union for staff working in the Criminal Justice Sector would be launched in 2020. A Special thanks to all those people who have offered their services to act as representatives in their selected branches/areas. We haven't forgotten you and will be in touch shortly.
All that's left to say is....Happy New Year!!
7th January 2020
We realise that patrons are keen to learn about when the CJW Union will be officially launched, and thank those people for their support and patience. In the meantime we have been busy beavering away behind the scenes to set the new Union up, obviously this takes time.
Currently we are in the final stages of negotiation with two really fantastic organisations who are keen to finalise a deal with ourselves to become our chief legal advisors. Once this tendering process is complete the CJW Union will be able to announce its official launch date and accept membership via the online platform.
We're really excited to be able to offer a realistic alternative, and with enhanced legal provision from that which is currently available.
We are also really pleased to confirm that unlike other trade unions we will not seek to limit the type of employee who can join, yes that's right we plan to be a union that can represent everyone...what better way to ensure quality representation available to all!
Keep following the page for further updates!!
Thanks for reading!
Recruiting representatives now. If your interested in setting up a branch of the new Union in your workplace, please get in touch!!
Email info@cjwunion.co.uk
We realise that patrons are keen to learn about when the CJW Union will be officially launched, and thank those people for their support and patience. In the meantime we have been busy beavering away behind the scenes to set the new Union up, obviously this takes time.
Currently we are in the final stages of negotiation with two really fantastic organisations who are keen to finalise a deal with ourselves to become our chief legal advisors. Once this tendering process is complete the CJW Union will be able to announce its official launch date and accept membership via the online platform.
We're really excited to be able to offer a realistic alternative, and with enhanced legal provision from that which is currently available.
We are also really pleased to confirm that unlike other trade unions we will not seek to limit the type of employee who can join, yes that's right we plan to be a union that can represent everyone...what better way to ensure quality representation available to all!
Keep following the page for further updates!!
Thanks for reading!
28th January 2020
Recruiting representatives now. If your interested in setting up a branch of the new Union in your workplace, please get in touch!!
Email info@cjwunion.co.uk
29th February 2020
sounds interesting... a covert union?
ReplyDelete"This is based around a lot of what has been said on this forum"
Presumably the exclusive invitation-only facebook is the 'forum' referred to? If so I guess there's some work to do to:
"unlike other trade unions we will not seek to limit the type of employee who can join, yes that's right we plan to be a union that can represent everyone"
But no harm in putting a tightly-laced & much-needed boot up napo's jacksie.
Anon 08:19 - Glad you raise the 'Forum' issue - it's not a reference to the 'secret' Facebook group for probation staff, but to the prison staff forum called 'Know The Danger' run by I think Mick Rolfe. There has been a lot of trouble over this Forum and much of it has been deleted. I will try and find a statement about it asap. Thanks for raising the issue.
DeletePublish the secret Napo discussions please so non facebook members can read something of the issues there is nothing on the Napo boards. How is this appropriate for a union to take direction outside of elected process. Cliques perhaps.
Delete13th Feb 2020 Copied from Mike Rolfe’s personal FB page;
DeleteHaving setup KTD in 2013; and having been initially issued with ‘cease and desist’ notices by my employer with the threat of losing my job or worse, I am obviously deeply saddened by the news that KTD administrators have been forced to collectively close the KTD staff forum, and effectively scale back the freedom on the main page. KTD has and always will be a big part of my life, and something I am extremely proud to have been involved in. KTD is pure and free from self-importance, greed, dishonesty and corruption, and it has been there to support staff through thick and thin, through probably the worst, most violent times that staff have had together in the history of the service.
Over the past 7 years KTD has been a massive staff support, allowing people to engage with other people who understand their problems, and were able to give helpful and supportive advice. Additionally, giving those individuals an outlet for the many issues they have been exposed to. Yes, there have been times when it has been stomach churning to read, and yes there have been comments and issues raised that have not shone a light on the professional and dedicated image of the Prison service that we all know to exist. And, although the main page will remain, the loss of the staff forum will be immeasurable as to how it will affect the spread of good advice, support and information.
However, whilst KTD has been my ‘baby’ that I watched grow, I knew from its infancy that there were individuals that detested its power and influence. I knew that in the latter part of 2013 when I joined the NEC of the POA, that legal advice was being sought by the Union from Thompsons with regards to information being shared and comments being made. I also know that when I was approached by a certain individual on the NEC who wanted his name attached to KTD, and I refused, that there would always be a watchful eye on KTD’s activities and a later attempt to close it down.
So, for 7 years, KTD has flourished into a great source of information, and has clearly led the way in being the voice for staff and indeed everyone affected by the criminal justice sector, that has ensured stories that were previously confined to workplace tea rooms were in everyone’s homes, knowing and discussing Prison issues and the violence staff face. The interest in Prison related issues is clearly identifiable by the number of documentaries and soaps populating our screens; and is definatley in some way linked to KTD’s success and its ability to draw interest to our plight.
So, my involvement in KTD will draw no surprises that I am also the subject of the attack, along with others, from the individual using his position and powerbase to try and silence any critiques and challengers. These personal attacks are nothing new having experienced them whilst on the NEC, but also continually since leaving the position of National Chair. The latest attack is an attempt to remove my employment along with others, silence me and probably halt any alternative union option being established for staff, all the things that KTD has fought against for 7 years.
Those that know me for the person I am, not just what they perceive me to be, will know I have always stood up for myself, and I will continue to stand up for myself once again, and every single time this individual uses my union, and your funds to wage his unethical war, diverting from his own misgivings and corruption. I will stand my ground and soak up the barrage, and I will continue to support those that are also targeted in this never-ending saga. I believe that eventually the truth will out, and this latest episode of personal threats to individuals via messenger, text, calls or emails, and the use of solicitors to try and close the door on serious unreproachable misconduct cannot go unanswered.
But for now, it’s a time to reflect, overcome the current challenges being faced and step forward once the shackles are lifted. A new union is on the horizon for staff, a new voice that will give people an alternative option. Yes, it will take time to establish and get in place, but rest assured it is coming, and by the appearance of things it cannot come a day too soon.
DeleteI can’t make a closing statement without thanking all of the people that have helped make the KTD group a massive success over the years, many unsung heroes, that have been happy to stay out of the limelight, but that have given so much over the last 7 years to ensure the forum has been run, to offer advice and guidance, and to aid the freedom of speech, they are the people that deserve our appreciation and gratefulness. So, a massive thank you to you all, you know who you are!
Thank you to everyone who has supported this group over the years, and I hope it is not too long again before our voices can be heard, perhaps the new union can create a forum, and those voices can be heard through new channels and new individuals, that have the ability, charisma and your interests at the forefront of everything they do! But for now, signing off, stay safe and keep well!
Anon 09:04 I have been asked not to publish discussions from the 'secret' Facebook group - as far as I know it is not officially endorsed by Napo, but clearly many members use it, not least due to the demise of the official Napo Members Forum.
DeleteThanks Jim - that helps give it some perspective.
DeleteI do worry about what's going on when there's a desire for a clandestine facebook page.
Let's think now, from experience do we know anyone who keeps & shares secret exchanges on exclusive invitation-only group chats & asks others not to disclose what's being discussed?
"Anonymous1 March 2020 at 08:19
Deletesounds interesting... a covert union?"
It does not seem very covert to me - it is being mentioned on the internet where the public have access and previously I have seen several memntions via the "Know the Danger" Prison workers Facebook website which has been in operation for years and was (I think) initially established by Michael Rolfe, when he worked at Elmley prison in 2013 - the man who applied to be Napo general secretary at the last election he even has his own Wikipedia Entry.
Michael Rolfe (born 1978) was the National Chair of the British POA until May 2017, and lead figure within the trade union which represents Prison Officers, related grades of staff and others working in secure custodial settings. He stepped down from this position on 3 May 2017 having been selected as a parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party (UK) for the Sittingbourne and Sheppey constituency at the snap general election that took place on Thursday 8 June 2017. However, despite an 11% swing to Labour and a 62% increase in votes for Labour compared to 2015, Rolfe failed to be elected and finished in second place to the sitting Conservative MP, Gordon Henderson (politician) who was re-elected with a majority of 15,211 votes.
DeleteIn August 2019, it was recorded in the press that Rolfe had resigned from the Labour Party citing Jeremy Corbyn’s Brexit policy as his main reasons.
Born 25 January 1978 in Barnehurst, South London, son of council worker David Frederick Rolfe (deceased) and retired Secretary Dorothy Jane Mungeam (Rolfe), aged 38 years at the time of taking over as the National Chair of the POA, he was one of the youngest trade union leaders in the United Kingdom.
Rolfe attended Barnes Cray Primary School from 1983-1989, followed by Erith Secondary School in South London from 1989-1994 before attending Bexley College to complete A-Levels.
In 1996, Rolfe started his working career, training to become an accountant and progressing quickly as he earned a reputation for hard work, dedication and commitment. However, following his father's premature death aged 57 in 2002, Rolfe quit his job; pursuing more menial employment and became a Prison officer at HM Prison Elmley in 2004.
Rolfe identifies as a socialist, however he was quick to make clear his views are not entirely left wing in an interview with the Morning Star, clarifying that he does not share the same political ideology of Democratic Socialists such as Jeremy Corbyn.
Rolfe first found notoriety amongst his colleagues in the Prison Service when he established the popular Facebook page known as 'Know The Danger,' or 'KTD' abbreviated, in May 2013 at a point in which major restructuring took place within the Prison system. These changes have been heavily criticised and attributed to the current systematic failures within the UK Prison Service, manifesting in the worst reported riots in 25 years during 2016.
Rolfe became a prominent figure during the latter part of 2016 following a string of appearances on BBC News at Ten and various other news outlets forcing the Secretary of State for Justice Elizabeth Truss to concede "serious issues" that would take time to resolve within the Prison estate.
Prior to standing as a Labour Party Candidate in the 2017 General Election, Rolfe stood in the 2013 Kent County Council elections for TUSC in the constituency of Sheppey, finishing 5th with 2% of the overall vote share.
DeleteAndrew - my 08:19 post was on the presumption that it was the work of the cloak-&-dagger facebookers, hence the use of the word 'presumably' and the punctuation '?'.
DeleteJB has since made the source clear.
Responding to
Delete"Jim Brown1 March 2020 at 09:19
Anon 09:04 I have been asked not to publish discussions from the 'secret' Facebook group - as far as I know it is not officially endorsed by Napo, but clearly many members use it, not least due to the demise of the official Napo Members Forum. "
I had not realised that the Napo online Forum had finally been removed - I do not read all that comes from Napo nowadays as so much of it is mere commercial advertising for non probation related matters.
Do you, dear reader, know if the closure of the forum was officially announced and approved by the NEC or General Meeting?
I suspect that the online forum may not have actually ever been sanctioned by either the NEC or General Meeting, so I suppose it was open to the General Secretary to remove it.
Has all the material been archived? - if not Napo has wiped out not only some of it's own history, but many "discussions" about the probation profession from the beginning of the internet age to after the introduction of "Transforming Rehabilitation" in 2014.
This Jim Brown "probationmatters" Blog will therefore have provided a valuable service to probation historians particularly of the English and Welsh probation system - I hope - archiving continues, I think, by the British Library.
It is as if Napo has trashed much of its own experience - the collective current memory will continue to diminish - we have in the last year lost Paul Senior and Harry Fletcher.
I suppose ultimately most of what we have experienced becomes lost to those who come later!
Thank you again Jim Brown - I hope this can continue into perpetuity.
Andrew - I don't think the Napo Forum has been removed - it's just 'dead' as in nobody posts to it and nobody reads it.
DeleteA former Labour parliamentary candidate has defected and joined the Conservative party.
DeleteThe move by Mike Rolfe comes after he stood against Gordon Henderson to become MP for Sittingbourne and Sheppey in the 2017 General Election, when he finished second with 15,700 votes.
Announcing his decision, the prison officer said: “Gordon Henderson and I have not always seen eye to eye on subjects of importance, but we have always been able to respectfully disagree and debate issues in a mature manner.
"He has maintained an open and welcoming door to myself and other union representatives at the three Island prisons and has in recent years raised many issues on behalf of my colleagues in the Prison Service.
"More recently Gordon has listened to our concerns raising the issue of prison staff retirement age, pushed the issue of ensuring staff have the correct personal protective equipment and supported my work with the Prison Officers Association in delivering better pay for staff.
"Gordon has been true to his word over the Brexit debate."
Sittingbourne and Sheppey MP, Gordon Henderson, said: "I am delighted that Mike decided to join the Conservative Party and look forward to working with him as we fight the upcoming election together.
"It takes some courage to leave one political party and join another. However, I have known Mike for some time and I know that one thing he does not lack is courage."
Responding to
Delete"Jim Brown1 March 2020 at 12:37
Andrew - I don't think the Napo Forum has been removed - it's just 'dead' as in nobody posts to it and nobody reads it. "
STRANGE - I scanned what I got - maybe the problem is with my connection if others can access the actual messages.
I have posted that scan to my Wordpress website here: -
Here is the link I used to go to the Napo Forum: -
Looks like the Forum has indeed been removed.
DeleteUnlikely to succeed in time
ReplyDeleteNapo are redundant no doubt the gave up national collective bargaining and don't have the same in divided small CRC companies. The new proposals are a bit dream on aspiration over ability. Pay and electronic platform for all won't provide enough and in comparison is the mess Napo have adopted by loss of income and massive internal and greed driven unrealistic salaries at the top. Not linked to our pay at all and comparable to the big unions with hundreds of staff. While competition would be great for members choice we are stuck and will be for sometime with the faux leader and buffoon of Napo in decline.
This will threaten Napo especially if the subs are lower. The big BUT in my mind is that if prison staff go over, then and Napo folded, then we would just have a mirror in the Union side of HMPPS, where Probation is assimilated and then marginalised
ReplyDeleteI had two questions in mind reading today's blog. Both have been touched on already.
Deletea) Is Mike Rolfe somewhere to be found in this?
And more importantly,
b) What might be the impact of a Union representing all workers in the CJS have on keeping probation tied to the HMPPS brand?
Would it help consolidate it, or try to give back each sectors own unique identity?
Betrayal & jeopardy are everywhere - Priti Aunty has been put on the spot; the new union to usurp napo is revealed; and all those in the farming & fishing industries are now realising they shouldn't have voted for Leave & Boris after all:
ReplyDelete"One of the most senior government advisers has said the UK does not need it’s farming or fishing industries, according to reports.
In comments seen by the Mail on Sunday, Dr Tim Leunig is understood to have said the food sector was “not critically important” to the country’s economy – and that agriculture and fisheries “certainly isn’t”..."
Dr who?
Tim Leunig is Chief Scientific Adviser at the Department for Education. He is also Associate Professor of Economic History at the London School of Economics.
He holds a PhD in economics, and has written widely on current and historical economic issues.
He is a fellow of the Royal Historical Society, the Royal Statistical Society, and the Royal Society of Arts.
Previous roles in government - DfE Director of Analysis and Chief Scientific Adviser - 2014 to 2017
His CV can be found here:
Leunig has been big buddies with Cummings for years.
Guardian piece from 2013 on Cummings:
Returning to the subject of today's original blog. Thank you Jim for posting this series of interesting posts.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to be that we are being used. Yes, NAPO is a disgrace. I see nothing better in the new union on offer.
Having been a trade union member all my working life, I have now decided what to do. I'm off to UNISON as many of my colleagues have already done.
This really is an issue mostly relevant to Napo members, perhaps past as well as present.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the final removal of the Napo Forum that was once here: -
It does seems if some while back Napo introduced a sort of question and answer forum within the confidential members section of it's main website, under this introductory comment - which I reproduce under the fair use provisions of copy right law (as I understand it)
"Probation Change Resources
As a result of the government’s announcement, members will undoubtedly have lots of questions to ask about the consequences of this major change in direction and the impact on their future.
Napo is committed to keeping our members as up to date as we can and this section of the Members website will be updated frequently as information becomes available to Napo.
As a result of the government’s announcement, members will undoubtedly have lots of questions to ask about the consequences of this major change in direction and the impact on their future."
I have now posted the following response which I hope soon receives an answer
Posted by Andrew Hatton - 01/03/2020 03:39 PM
Has this Discussion replaced the Napo Forum website?
It seems to me it has been removed.
I missed an announcement.
I hope all the "conversations" are archived - they are valuable for historians trying to understand how we got to where we are now.
My fear is that with the death of folk like Harry Fletcher, so soon after Paul Senior - both major Napo figures going back decades our collective shared memory is diminishing.
I am only now reinterpreting things from the past - at least back to the 1984 SNOP & more recently with those tragic deaths linked to the actions of supervisees, back to the Butler report into dangerousness, which was published around 1972.
It seems a service to probation and the nation along with the high ideals of Napo's founders that current members should have modern opportunities to consider - these matters under a Napo banner. After all Napo policies have affected the working out of probation practice.
Where can these discussions now be facilitated by Napo, please?
Your name
That is posted here: - https://www.napo.org.uk/comment/65#comment-65
I have no doubt that if a serious contender appeared ( and this isn’t one), then NAPO would be finished.
ReplyDeleteA quick look on their website shows nothing published in months, clearly the membership don’t need to be told anything.
Terms and conditions continue to deteriorate, there is a national staffing review underway, and role boundaries are non existent, but NAPO has nothing to
It seems to be a. Case of “keep sending the money.”
Nothing on the napo website no updates in Months. Shocking really what are they doing no news.
DeleteI keep wondering why I am continue to pay napo membership. It has certainly done me no favours being sifted into the crc. I do not have a clue what is going on in napo at this time. So is the facebook page for napo members.
ReplyDeleteCheck out front page of the Mirror, 309 deaths in probation privatisation scandal, 1 death every 4 days. Indefensible Mr Grayling et al.
ReplyDeleteDon't blame those not happy with napo. They let us get walked all over and the new solicitors they use are shocking. If you are no better off no win no fee why pay them membership.
ReplyDeletePersonally as a front line worker I cannot thank NAPO enough for what they have done for me. I exprienced a high profile serious further offence where I had to attend an inquest to give evidence. The support I was provided through the process by NAPO in addition to access to legal support and advice was something I was and am truly humbled by.
ReplyDeleteAnon 06:28 Good to hear that and thanks for leaving a comment.
DeleteA load of stuff and nonsense from Tory Party member Micheal Rolfe.. This is nothing more or less than a referral scheme to a no win no fee solicitors. There is more to a union than legal advice and representation. Now is not the time to be bashing Napo but rather a time to be supporting your local branch and reps. There is too much focus on the leadership and not enough members locally to step up and help out. It is always left to a few brave souls to do the hard graft who are often left exhausted.