Tuesday, 10 May 2016

'An Abusive Relationship'

Thanks to the reader for sending me the following email from Martin Davies, CEO of the Interserve-led West Yorkshire CRC and sent last Friday I believe:-

Dear Colleagues,

Transformation update

I am delighted to share with you the news that Probation Officers and CP Project Officers will no longer be required to participate in a ring fence selection process. I have reached this decision as per the CRCs commitment to continuously review our current FTE position. Further to this review, I am aware that a number of colleagues (Probation Officers and Probation Service Officers) have recently secured other roles outside of West Yorkshire CRC. This has resulted in a position whereby we are now approximately 6 FTE over establishment on our budgeted Senior Case Manager posts in the new model.

In view of this, I have decided to accept the existing surplus Probation Officer position and in addition accepted the surplus in CP Placement Coordinator posts in the new model. I am aware that we are now slightly under our budgeted Case Manager by approximately 5 FTE due to recent leavers. As a result I have taken a pragmatic decision that in West Yorkshire CRC an increase in the budgeted Senior Case Manager grade will account for the short fall we have in the budgeted Case Manager posts.

Therefore, I wish to confirm that all Probation Officers and CP Project Officers will have a post secure in the new structure. Our long term aim is to arrive at the new budgeted figures. However, this will be achieved through natural movement and leavers.

I am sure this news will be very welcome by staff and I would have hoped to have been in this position earlier without staff having to spend time on completing employee reports. I do want to re-assure all staff that we are constantly reviewing our figures and workload. Where possible I am keen to ensure we maximise employment opportunities and reduce any potential redundancies.

Yours Sincerely

Martin Davies
Chief Executive


What a rubbish way to treat people. We all feel like we are in an abusive relationship. How wrong he is about how we all feel. We are angry! One PO felt sick. He thinks we are grateful?!! I didn't care about the forms we filled in - sod it and get rid of me - but some colleagues are worried about money etc.


  1. Trying to put a positive spin on things is a technique used by managers and sales-people alike. Most of us with an ounce of grey matter can see right through this. Had a similar scenario last week when we apparently were meeting our targets ( cheers ) yet the SW cuts had just been announced!

  2. Given the speed at which people are leaving this abusive relationship there will be more fudging of the issues in a few weeks!

  3. It's a mistake to lower the threshold for 'abusive'. In those areas where compulsory redundancy is a reality they would give their eyeteeth to receive a similar email.

    I agree, though, that such emails are exercises in spin - but this is an art practiced as much by the unions as management.

    I see that Proud CEO Davies likes to retweet so-called Facts. I can only guess what his female colleagues thought of this one that he RT'ed.

    'Women who don't get enough sleep tend to be easily aggravated and or annoyed by others, especially by other women.'

  4. He is delighted the CRC has now driven enough staff out of their jobs. That means we can now sack less of you immediately as the profits we are making can tolerate a few more of you a bit longer.

    I would like to see the complement reduce by one more inefficient and useless figurehead role his !

    1. Characters like Davies don't realise how much they are loathed. They are loathed for their insincerity, loathed for their glib delights and loathed because they are cynical manipulators. We can admire and respect leaders with integrity, but not the cronyism, that typifies the CRC brotherhood and sisterhood.

  5. What's a Senior Case Manager? If this equates to Senior Probation Officer then all MD has done is fudged the figures to protect the middle manager grade. In turn these managers will help to fudge the figures and keep the wheels turning until the next wave of cuts. Yes "all Probation Officers" may "have a post secure in the new structure", but how many caseloads will they be carrying?

  6. Recommended Retail Price employee10 May 2016 at 23:06

    In the new world order a senior case manager is a PO, case manager is a PSO. Clever rebranding but without the pay increase or the relevant training for the SCMs who now manage case managers and the CMs who do the work formerly undertaken by POs. Smoke and mirrors for the CRCs PR machine and a complete shafting for the hard working staff.

  7. Would this be the same Martin Davies who spent a whole staff conference (with what was then Lincolnshire Probation Trust) slagging off TR and stating how he would fight against the changes...?

    Funny how he has changed his tune, isn't it?

    1. Oh highly likely! Please, do tell more I think we need to know and he needs reminding!

  8. He (and the Board) spent most of the day saying how they disagreed with Grayling and his changes, how they were ill-thought through and how they would fight it, and how we should too. Didn't mention how to do it though.

    Of course, when the big nasty bosses at NOMS told him off, Martin then changes his tune to the current bullshit.

    Funnily enough, all the people who were involved in setting up the CRC mutual all took early retirement - as they were so convinced at how good it would be with him at the helm.

    Joey Essex would make a better leader.
