Was the midnight oil burning at Petty France last night whilst officials scrabbled together a response to NAPO's request? I think not. I am deeply suspicious of the request for more time and dont trust the MoJ one iota. I think manoeuvring is going on behind the scenes and I am worried.
Personally I think those so called charities that are part of these consortiums should hang their heads in shame. So NACRO, Addaction, St Giles, CRI and Shelter can kiss my a*se before I will give them a penny. Talk about 50 pieces of silver, do they have no morality, no sense of justice? They are a disgrace.
If I was CRR and MTC Amey I would have your lawyers on speed dial, not that I want you to win, but you have been had over by Grayling! SUE HIS ARSE.
I think the mutuals got used to keep us all quiet. Had they been smart they wouldn't have played into Graylings hands. Had there been no mutuals, they wouldn't have got us past the split in June.
This from Alan Travis in the Guardian:-
Two companies to run more than half of privatised probation services
Two outsourcing companies, Sodexo and Interserve, are to be put in charge of more than half of probation services in England and Wales under the most far-reaching privatisation in the criminal justice system.
Chris Grayling, the justice secretary, said the companies, in partnership with rehabilitation charities, were the preferred bidders to run 11 of the 21 planned community rehabilitation companies that will take over probation early next year. They will be responsible for more than half the probation staff supervising 200,000 low to medium-risk offenders.
Four staff mutuals, which include employees of former probation trusts, are included in partnerships to run probation in London, Wales and the west country. But a leading staff mutual bidding to run probation services in Kent, Surrey and Sussex has been rejected. Seetec Business Technology Centre will provide probation services in this area.
The contracts, worth £450m and due to be in place before the election, will hand over 70% of the work of the public probation service to private and voluntary sector providers as part of Grayling’s Transforming Rehabilitation programme. The public probation service will retain control of services for high-risk offenders.
Grayling said: “This announcement brings together the best of the public, private and voluntary sectors to set up our battle against reoffending, and to bring innovative new ways of working with offenders. In particular, I am really pleased that we will be deploying the skills of some of Britain’s best rehabilitation charities to help these offenders turn their lives around.”
The list of preferred bidders includes seven private companies, 16 charities and voluntary organisations, and four mutuals. The justice ministry said 75% of the 300 subcontractors named in the successful bids were voluntary sector or mutual bidders. The justice secretary said the fact that 80 bids were received from 19 organisations was evidence of a “strong and diverse market”.
Sodexo Justice Services, which already runs prisons, has been named as the preferred bidder in six of the 21 areas in partnership with Nacro, the rehabilitation charity. Interserve has won the bids in five areas as part of the Purple Futures partnership which includes the charities Addaction, Shelter and P3 and a social enterprise 3SC.
The announcement of the preferred bidders comes as Napo, the probation union, is preparing to launch a judicial review of the sell-off. The ministry of justice faces a disclosure deadline for the official ‘risk register’ which assesses the public safety implications of the privatisation under the possibility of a High Court injunction.
G4S and Serco, the private security companies, withdrew their bids after the Serious Fraud Office was called in to investigate overcharging of more than £100m on electronic-tagging contracts involving the two companies.
The Commons public accounts committee has established that the contracts included a £300m plus “poison pill” clause guaranteeing bidders their expected profits if the 10-year contracts were cancelled after the general election.This from Ian Dunt on politics.co.uk:-
Grayling forces through probation sell-off despite safety fears
Nothing was ever going to stop him. This morning, with the threat of legal proceedings hanging over his head, a general election in half a year's times and serious concerns about a breakdown in public safety, Chris Grayling announced his preferred bidders for the probation service.
Despite all the usual talk of a diversity of suppliers including charities and voluntary groups, private firms were the overwhelming winners.
Sodexo picked up the largest number of contracts. One gave it a monopoly in the north east, where it also runs Northumberland prison. So it will now be paid for reducing reoffending and (rather more) for increasing the prison population. Whatever happens, Sodexo wins.
The ministerial statement, which was sneaked out with a minimum of fuss, mentions 80 bidders, but by my count there were only eight cleaning up on the 21 contracts.
- Sodexo, in partnership with charity Nacro, won six contracts.
- Purple Futures, a partnership which includes some charities but is led by private firm Interserve, won five.
- Working Links, "a public, private and voluntary company", won three.
- The Reducing Reoffending Partnership, a joint venture involving a private firm and two charities, won two.
- MTCNovo, a joint venture involving corporations, charities and "third sector shareholders" won two.
- Geo Mercia Willowdene, a joint venture involving a private firm, a "social enterprise" and a probation staff mutual, won one.
- ARCC, the only joint venture which doesn't seem to involve a private firm, won one.
- Seetec Business Technology Centre, a private company, won one contract.
To have proceeded with this sell-off amid the growing evidence of a threat to public safety from the spitting up of probation is highly irresponsible. Even worse, ministers are doing so while refusing to publish the safety tests the department has conducted.Pat Waterman is not impressed:-
Napo acted in good faith and gave the the Secretary of State a further 24hrs to prepare a response to a previous deadline - effectively extra time - and this was in my view more than reasonable in the circumstances. The extension was intended to allow the MoJ to prepare a substantive response to our concerns.
Well we now know what they were doing with the generous allowance of time given to them by Napo's lawyers. They did not work around the clock gathering the information that Napo had requested but rather they were contacting bidders and putting the finishing touches to their plans to announce their preferred bidders for Community Rehabilitation Companies. You will recall that this is information that they have hitherto considered to be no ones business but theirs.This from Frances Crook:-
My view is that we should not give them a minute longer. Let us take whatever legal action needs to be taken and do it now.
The Secretary of State has shown nothing but contempt for probation staff and their representatives who have been willing to engage the MoJ in constructive dialogue throughout. It will become blatantly obvious in any legal process that the Justice Secretary and his associates consider that their reckless privatisation timetable is more important than any consideration of public safety, justice, or indeed the risks posed to probation staff on the front-line.
Members can be assured that in the coming days Napo Greater London Branch will be examining both the preferred bidders track records and any other details of the bid or contract that may become available. Our experience with Serco and the Unpaid Work contract however informs us that getting full information can be an uphill struggle.
As always we will keep members informed. We should emphasise that at this stage contracts have yet to be signed and what has been announced are the preferred bidders.
It is not over yet.
Pat Waterman
Chair of Napo Greater London Branch
Private firms are the big winners of probation sell-off
Responding to the Ministry of Justice’s announcement of preferred bidders for probation contracts, Frances Crook, Chief Executive of the Howard League for Penal Reform, said:
“As we expected, the big winner of the probation sell-off is not the voluntary sector but large private companies run for profit. The Ministry of Justice will claim it has created a diverse market, but Sodexo and Interserve are the companies running half of all the contracts.
“A public service is being destroyed without any evidence that the fragmented landscape created will perform any better or help make communities any safer. Indeed, reforms aimed at imposing compulsory support to those leaving prison after short sentences are certain to set people up to fail.
“Given we are close to a general election, it is particularly disgraceful that these contracts include ‘poison pill’ clauses preventing a future government from revising these untested and ill-thought-through reforms if and when they fail. That is not just reckless but fundamentally undemocratic.”This what it looks like nationwide:-

And I'll just throw in Private Eye and Harry Fletcher for good measure:-

Postscript - This latest blog from Ian Lawrence:-
Cooks and Cleaners to sweep up?
Well, we waited, and we waited for the grand announcement about who all these exciting and innovative providers would be, and the Cooks and Cleaners have pitched up.
That’s no disrespect to anyone working in those two professions of course but it was really no surprise to see the two corporate giants in the form of Sodexo and Interserve being given the green light to own more than half of probation. The pre-announcement lockdown from Noms and MoJ was as pathetic as it was chaotic with all sorts of folk running around in ‘Castle Greyskull’ (MoJ HQ) to ensure that this less than riveting non-event was kept super -secret until the last moment.
For us this whole pantomime changes absolutely nothing in terms of our continuing campaign and our moves towards exhausting all our legal options. Neither does it change the inescapable facts:
More news to follow soon.
- That this shambolic and corrupt reform is all about ideology and self -aggrandisement
- That these would be providers are buying into a project that is unproven and commercially risky
- That before contracts are awarded (and after if it happens) Napo will be exposing every single example that we can of previous government contract failures and mistreatment of employees
- That we will lobby for an incoming government to revoke the CRC contracts without compensation
- That every case of maladministration or serious cases of further harm that occur if contracts are awarded in the unsafe environment that Grayling has created will be given the highest profile possible.
- That this union will never give up on our quest for reunification of the probation service.
- The struggle continues.
Any news on the 4.00pm deadline. Have the MOJ issued their LIES.
ReplyDeleteI have a case given to me in beginning of Oct with IDAP requirement, case transferred through TR, client dangerous DV perp, no start oasys from transferring officer who is off sick, case closed on 28/10, I had to do a start oasys and termination without seeing him. He is dangerous and has not been managed properly due to TR, he is a potential SFO constant breaches of harassment and court orders, and substance misuse, there are a huge number of these cases in the same mess, how can managers and MOJ feel that things have been carried out properly. What a load of bull. Public safety is at risk more so than it has ever been. Its frightening.
ReplyDeletesorry to seem dense but I surely if this man had IDAP then the majority of his supervision would have been under the previous Trust - I am not sure how you not seeing him and having to do a start and termination OASys is to do with TR, but rather poor management by the previous officer and the SPO for not ensuring that the minimum of work had been done with this man
DeleteWell since Sodexo and Interserve are going to be running a big chunk of it, maybe they can start offering jobs for all those coming out of prison!
ReplyDeleteI think you'll find that Sodexo have already exceeded their quota for hiring criminals!!!
DeleteSorry IL, but I dont really find comments like 'cooks and cleaners' or 'Castle Greyskull' helpful at this juncture. I also worry about the line 'before contracts are awarded - and after if it happens'. IMO, we (ie NAPO) need to focus, focus, focus and keep it tight. The 4pm deadline has passed. I'm therefore waiting for a pithy erudite statement from NAPO about what info the MoJ have provided in response to our request, and what our next move is, JR wise. Nothing more.
Well said Deb!
DeleteI too was rather befuddled by IL's comments. Is he trying to write for Private Eye? If he is, can someone tell him needs to be skilled in the English language to do that, and that kind of comment should not come from the general sec of a union fighting for it's profession..
DeleteAnd we wonder why grayling has the temerity to call us an immature union...
DeleteI am somewhat disappointed that NAPO could not even message members to clarify if information requested, with yet another additional 24 hour extn given to MOJ, has or has not been received. And I agree with above comments - IL - perhaps you need to think of the feelings your members have today, rather than joining in the Political tit for tat exchanges we expect from the House of Commons
DeleteWhat was IL thinking of using that sort of childish language? Just shut up and sign off on JR NOW
ReplyDeleteI want clarification about NAPOs next move. Is Anon 18:13 right in saying that now bidders have been awarded we can no longer proceed with JR? Surely this cant be the case. Anyone know?
ReplyDeleteNo contract has been 'awarded' - only preferred bidders announced. JR can still go ahead - and must go ahead!!
DeleteNot at all, if anything what Grayling has done is played in to our hands.
DeleteIn addition, anon 18.13 if trying to be satirical or funny, it is not. Just comes across as being a bit knobbish.
DeleteHow, exactly?
Remember. The Trusts Grayling offered to these bidders are nothing like the things now in place. Grayling is gambling on them not comprehending the mess that has been made of the CRCs to date. When they start looking at what they are buying, they may yet pull out, irrespective of JR. What happens if a couple pull out? And what happened to the 25%?
DeleteSorry, my response is to 18.45, not 18.48! It gets confusing when we cut across each other!!
So West Yorks 'Mutual' not been given a look in, despite cosying up with the MOJ and trialling 'Post Sentence Assessment' and generic 'Activity Requirements'. So, Sue Hall, now is the time to spill the beans . . .tell us why you jumped ship so soon after announcing that you would lead the new CRC and handover to the Mutual. I put it to you, Sue, that you were forewarned that W. Yorks.were not going to be a preferred bidder. Perphaps those involved with the short - lived joint Mutual (.W. Yorks and an area from the north -east, which I have forgotten !) could tell us why one day it was a fantastic idea to join together and make a bid, and the next day run a mile !.People in high places know that the MOJ has known for a long time who would succeed as Mutuals . . .please blow those whistles now before it's too late.
ReplyDeleteThey aint blowing no whistles, already been paid off, after making a fool out of us lot.
DeleteMy recollection is that Sue Hall was sacked as interim CRC CEO by telephone call the morning after her disastrous appearance on BBC Newsnight.
Deletesorry jim missed that, what happened?
DeleteMy information is that Sue was classically made an offer she couldn't refuse after her TV appearance - she was told she was 'disloyal' and invited to retire asap - sacked to me and you.
DeleteWith lots of lolly according to the year end accounts...never so many ex ceo on twitter today as before ....too late now for feint remorse.we is shafted.
DeleteIt's a sad day for a lot of us my heart goes out to probation officers all over the country. I hope NAPO makes a stand before a tragedy has to happen
ReplyDeleteSurely there is a conflict of interests Sodexo running crc's and prisons.
ReplyDeleteWin, win, win! CRC pbr if they complete their orders, HMP pbr if they go to jail.
Delete"Money, thats what I want"
If we do not hear anything positive about a JR can we put in an emergency motion ( points to be discussed)
ReplyDeleteIf we don't hear anything about a JR - we should be demanding and I mean demanding a Special General Meeting
DeleteYes I agree . How do we do that? I am up for demanding special general meeting
DeleteYou do not need to DEMAND a General Meeting, either enough branches need to have NEC reps go to the NEC and support a motion to call one or ordinary members - I am unsure of the detail - it has happened - need to use the constitution and get the required number of individuals and/or branches to call a GM directly.
DeleteFrom the Constitution - as it was at end of 2013 AGM (I do not think the section about GM's was changed since)
Delete13. General Meetings
(a) A General Meeting shall be the supreme policy making body of
the Association.
(b) All members may attend General Meetings. Only full and
professional associate members may take part in debate except by
permission of the chair.
(c) A General Meeting shall be quorate when 5% of full members
and representation from at least 22 branches are registered not later
than a date fixed by the NEC. Sessions of General Meetings shall be
quorate when 5% of full members are present in the hall.
(d) There shall be a Steering Committee for General Meetings
comprising six members who shall serve for three years, two retiring
each year. Vacancies shall be filled annually from branch nominees
elected by a secret ballot of full members. Retiring members of
the committee shall be eligible for re-election. A maximum of
three men may be elected to the committee. The NEC shall fill
any casual vacancies by appointment for the remainder of that
term. The General Secretary, the Chair and the immediate past
Chair shall be members of the Steering Committee ex-officio. The
immediate past Chair shall remain a member until the AGM
following that at which she or he ceases to hold office.
(e) The press shall be invited to all sessions of the General
Meetings but may be excluded at the ruling of the chair of the
meeting during discussion of confidential matters.
15. Special General Meetings (SGM)
(a) A Special General Meeting shall be held either:
(i) as determined by the NEC; or
(ii) within eight weeks of the receipt by the General Secretary
of a call for such a meeting, stating the purpose and
signed by not less than 10% of full members representing
not less than 10 branches.
(b) Where more than one SGM has been called, they shall be held
in the order in which the calls were received by the General
Secretary. For the purpose of this clause a call by the NEC for
an SGM shall be deemed to have been received on the date of
the NEC meeting.
(c) Notice of an SGM, giving the date and place of the meeting
and particulars of the business to be transacted, shall be sent to all
members entitled to attend not less than two weeks before the date
of the meeting.
(d) The Steering Committee shall have duties at an SGM similar
to those at an AGM.
Thanks Andrew . That is very useful
DeleteWhat are the labour MPs doing about this disgusting sham, why isn't it in the news for all to see, what is the J.R delay about, it only takes a few good people at chivalry rd to stand and watch while evil prospers, how much more deceit needs to happen before it's too late
ReplyDeleteI expected today's MOJ announcement to hit the TV Media - both National and Local News - is there a media blackout?
DeleteWhat I don't understand is the almost complete silence about what is going on from the judiciary and the legal profession. Of course when you think about it there is no money to be made supporting us. But let me tell you the Probation Service has been the glue that has been holding the CJS together for a long time consisting of principled people who took genuine pride in helping others make changes to their lives. Wait until barristers rush to the robing room to find reports that mean they actually have to see and talk to their clients before going into court or judges are confronted by the fact that systems set up by people who know nothing about the people they are supervising collapse, leaving them with very few sentencing options other than custody.
ReplyDeleteThe reason why is because too many people are papering over the cracks and many aren't seeing a difference in service. It will only be after share sale when there are no sessional report authors that they will notice what is gibe
DeleteI wouldn't want to gamble my life on your latter on any chiefs/aco's speaking out - leaving or not. Those who did have chosen to leave the madness before we got to this stage.
ReplyDelete15 years Service - very much doubt I'll make 16.
DeleteDitto after 12 years.
DeleteDitto 7 years.
DeleteI work in Northumbria where Sodexo have just been announced as the preferred bidder. Having seen the EPIC shambles they have made of running the local prison (HMP Northumberland), right down to being unable to answer the telephone, combine with the laying off of 200 staff within days of getting the contract, I fear for the future of Northumbria probation!
ReplyDeleteOnce upon a time being a probation officer was my passion...now it's simply a job.
When (or if) they take over, they need to know that they are inheriting a workforce that is utterly demoralised and will do the bare minimum required to get through the day. No more working through dinner hours, running round after work to see clients, 'going the extra mile'. Zilch. Nada.
From me, personally, you can all go to hell.
Where you belong.
With you on that one Anon 20:10. My exit route is being planned - sadly I think many more will be planning the same.
DeleteWell don't go too soon as I'm not being left on my own!!!
DeleteI.m planning my escape too but feel a bit trapped after 30 years of service, I feel like I am in no mans land, do I hang until I am 55 or make the bastards pay for me to leave. Its a tough one. But what I do know is that its a sad sad day when such a brilliant work force and a wicked service has been totally shattered to smithereens.
DeleteHaving seen the epic fuck up that Sodexo have made of running HMP Northumberland, including the sacking of 200 loyal and TRAINED staff, I have this to say to CRC's where Sodexo has been announced as PB's.
DeleteBe afraid.
I did consider quitting but feel that I have a duty to make things as difficult as possible for them so will stay and do as little as possible for as long as I can. They will find that they do not have a monopoly on making money for doing fuck all.
If anyone would like to talk to me annonymously about HMP Northumberland please get in touch on m_s_quinn@outlook.com , thanks
DeleteMike Quinn, media officer, Napo Northumbria branch
Someone asked earlier what Labour MPs are doing about this shambles? Let me tell you..absolutely bloody nothing! They are the ones who began all this shit and allowed Grayling to use their crap legislation to destroy us. Just wait for any bloody politician to show their face around here asking for my vote!
ReplyDeleteWHO SHOT JR?
ReplyDeleteAnon 21:01 Very good question
DeleteSodexo will sub contract all your work to NACRO You will be lucky or unlucky to see anyone with a croissant in their hand. Get used to Nacro shit everybody and as for kiosks...coming to an office near you...utter wa*k i am furious....as someone has said let one of the shisters from ANY party darken my door and i will rip their rossette off and shove where a poor quality cleaning company wont clean.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe Nacro come up trumps it's a rubbish organization do nothing really to help offenders they don't even pick up the phone half the time. And to say they are the biggest reducing reoffending in south London sorry to say bull s**t they will fall flat on their face then others will have to clear up the mess or sub contract. But probation officers please don't give up your clients need YOU 100%
DeleteThis can be said of a lot of the organisations and charities they have chosen, they have been doing this type of work for years and haven't been effective. Having worked with some of the agencies who are given funding they are just as bad as the private companies for taking money and providing a shocking service.
DeleteI wonder if any of the CRC CEO's or directors dare show their faces tomorrow in teams? Maybe more unity is required by them at least in this time of unrest amongst staff. Lets not forget, they too, have been graylings puppet masters in this as well !! Or have they or about to all given themselves VR??
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to Carillion and Capita? I thought Mike Maiden was advising Carillion and wasn't it Roger Hill advising Capita? I can't see that they have been selected for anywhere.
ReplyDeleteAs a result of non selection, Crapitas share price has dropped by 6% today.
DeleteAnd this from northumbria.
Yep a sean reynolds was involved in the bid process for capita didnt turn out too good.
DeleteHmmmm... I know a mate who works in the prisons in a large area of England. The public prisons had Nacro doing their housing service but Nacro really struggled to meet the KPI of 100% housed on day of release. Shelter won the contract. Nacro staff were tupe'd over. Shelter hit the KPI as they use charitable donations to find the unlucky NFA's a B&B for the night of release. Shelter aren't really bothered what happens to them after that first day of release as it doesn't affect their KPI. Nacro pay atrociously low wages so the tupe'd staff were "ok-ish" with being moved over (Shelter's comparable salaries are about £6,000 less than our current salaries for similar roles). However, it quickly became clear that Shelter is a scary corporate dictatorship of an organisation and this caused serious unhappiness amongst the housing workers in prisons who constantly live in fear of which direction the organisation are going to take next. The sweetner of the added couple of grand in the pay packet wore off very quickly. My mate says the Shelter front line are genuinely lovely people but the hierarchy are more corporate that McDonalds.
ReplyDeleteWorking Links who can't look after offenders properly on the work programme and who were done for fraud in 2012 are going to run Wales CRC.
ReplyDeleteAnd Devon Dorset & Cornwall
DeleteSeetec (KSS) have a dreadful reputation as a work programme provider. It's all looking pretty grim.
ReplyDeleteNacro have been trying to grab Probation 'work ' for years 25+. Quite a few colleagues jumped ship in that direction at previous times of change... never seen anything effective or consistent come from Nacro...seem to be good at bids and PR though
ReplyDeleteMy experience of the Third sector is that they don't cope well with high caseloads. The workload that Probation have to deal with will quite a shock to them. Yet their multinational allies will expect the caseloads to get higher yet. NACRO run a young persons project in my area and it's a shambles. Not sure if the likes of NACRO and Shelter have anything at risk in these contracts. If they do, we can expect these organisations to be bankrupted quite quickly.
ReplyDelete"ninety nine, change hands"
ReplyDeleteAn old public school song
Polish up your cv's folks:
ReplyDelete"Sodexo Justice Services has been running justice services which change lives for the better since 1993. We do this in over 120 sites across the world, including the total operation of 5 prisons in the UK.
We have a reputation for delivering excellent, ethical, innovative and rehabilitative services, which provide comprehensive solutions to address our clients’ requirements.
We are pleased to be announced as preferred bidder for six community rehabilitation companies in partnership with Nacro.
The Operations Lead will secure the successful mobilisation of offender facing operations in the relevant CRC
Lead the implementation of new operational procedures and offender facing working practices
Work with the CRC Chief Executive and SMT to secure staff and stakeholder confidence in the change programme
Work with other MTT leads, in particular leads for ICT, Hub and Partnerships, to align procedures and timing within the MTT process, and deliver a consistent message to CRC staff
Monitor and coordinate the mobilisation, transition and transformation phases ensuring that SJS contractual and operational needs and obligations are met.
Establish and monitor an agreed project plan, including achievement of all key milestones.
Monitor the Project Risk Register and update as required and transfer information to the Issues Log if necessary.
Provide assurance to the Deputy MTT Director on progress and deal with operational queries arising from the change process.
Previous Criminal Justice experience
Excellent interpersonal skills
Proven experience in managing complex projects - ideally including IT implementation
Experience of TU consultation and negotiation
Knowledge of Sodexo policies and procedures
Relationship Management
Working with others
Planning and organisation
Results orientation
Impact and Influence
£Competitive plus benefits
I can't sleep, how dare charities be actively working with large multinationals to destroy such an honourable profession for PROFIT? They are now complicit in the Terms and Conditions of thousands of workers being destroyed and the idea that they will support offenders by delivering ANYTHING meaningful is just ridiculous. As someone posted earlier, if the measurable target is accommodation for an offender upon release, then one nights B and B will be found and that's it, job done. These charities are sitting there watching their little empires grow but I warn them, they will be scrutinised and held accountable. You can't pretend to be the face of honour and altruism and in reality mired in 'filthy lucre'.
ReplyDeletePS thank you Jim for your amazing efforts over the last 24 hours, me thinks things are really starting to unfold to scrutiny now and this is just the place for it!!!
An excellent point, anon@03:15. I feel some letters coming on:
DeleteDear UK Charities Commission, UNICEF, Liberty, Amnesty International, etc: are any of the charities who have bought into this TR travesty breaking codes of ethics or practice by cosying up to, selling out to & effectively 'legitimising' the multinationals? These are organisations who breach international laws, who persecute their employees across the world, who commit human rights atrocities, and who create victims through their abusive profit-driven practices. Does this undermine their claim for charitable status? Does the very fact that they are now Business partners in these 'for profit' ventures compromise their status as a charity?
Dear Monopolies & Mergers - is it possible to investigate the TR process whereby (1) the SoS in effect created a monopoly by being the sole director of 21 CRCs by dint of a political ideology? (2) the SoS created those 21 CRCs out of public sector provision, with public funds and using publicly paid employees? (3) the UK's third sector has been shamelessly & cynically used by multinationals to bid for contracts which will see £Millions of public funds leave the UK into the pockets of overseas profiteers, thereby draining invaluable resources from the tax paying public and the charitable sector?
An interesting comment on Yvonne Thomas ex MoJ now heading up the Justice team at Interserve:
ReplyDeleteFound them all interesting, informative and entertaining - with one exception - the Yvonne Thomas from Interserve whose presentation I found lacked depth and insight and did not reflect much empathy for the client group - i.e. people who need Rehabilitation services.