Tuesday 14 September 2010

Praise Indeed

Everyone enjoys a positive stroke now and then, and probation officers are no exception. A few weeks ago I was breezing through reception and out of the corner of my eye I spotted a young woman who had been on an order to me some years ago. I can't remember what the offences were, but I recall she'd suffered some sexual abuse, had been thrown out by parents, spent some time sleeping rough and had teamed up with various male friends that were not, shall we say, ideal. Not an untypical scenario - but this very bright, 'savy' young woman didn't need any offence-focussed work done with her, or lectures, advice or rebukes - she just needed a break and space to sort her life out. I remember she kept all her appointments with out fail and we just used the time to chat about nothing in particular sometimes - 'probation' is often like that - building a relationship. The order ended successfully.

As I swept into the office that morning, we just exchanged a quick smile as the woman was in deep and animated conversation with a young man sat next to her. As I passed into the general office I heard her explaining to her friend ......"well of course most of 'em are wankers, but he's ok."  Clients are often like that - they say what they think and can see straight through bullshit.  It absolutely made my day. 

(p.s. She was only visiting with a friend - I checked lol) 

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