Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Redundancy Q and A

All staff in the six Sodexo CRC's have been sent lengthy e-mails regarding the 'offer' to jump ship and thanks go to the colleague for sending them to me. This is the first and although relating to Cumbria and Lancashire CRC, I guess all will be similar. The second will have to be split in two due to length and will follow tomorrow. 

As an aside, I really don't know how CEO's sleep at night, but maybe I'm just getting too sentimental.


Please find below information regarding:

1. Timetable for Voluntary Severance Package
2. Questions and Answers from Ask the Chief mailbox
3. Compulsory Redundancy Timetable and information

Timetable for Voluntary Severance Package

This is the proposed timetable for the staff restructuring process. These are the dates we are working to, but they may change slightly as we get into the process. If you have any further questions or issues regarding the information contained here please contact Sue Hall, HR & Development Manager.

Date / Phase / Activity 

16th July 2015 / Staff communication of VS arrangements / CE email and staff briefings 

Monday 20th July until 12 noon on Monday 10th August 2015 / VS Application window (3 weeks) / Individuals submit voluntary severance application for consideration 

10th August 2015 / Voluntary Severance approval panel / Senior Management will meet as a review panel to consider applications and agree which applications we can accept based on business need / Severance decisions will be forwarded to Sodexo for final agreement/sign off

17th August 2015 / CRC will receive confirmation of Sodexo’s ratification for staff to be released under the VS package

18th August 2015 / Outcome letters issued and staff consideration period / Outcome letters issued to applicants. Staff have 2 weeks in which to confirm/decline offers, subject to leaving dates being agreed. 1:1 meetings will be held with individual staff members who have been offered VS

1st September 2015 / Applicants confirm or decline offer / All applicants must confirm or decline their VS offer by 1st September


Once the voluntary severance process is completed, we will know what the current staffing numbers are compared to the staffing numbers we need to move to in the new structure. The next step will be to look at where we can match people into a role, if this not possible we will go through a competitive selection process. What this means is if we have:

Number of jobs in the new structure: Current staffing numbers: Action 

10 roles                                  10 staff                        Matching process
10 roles                                  15 staff                        Competitive selection process
10 roles                                    5 staff                        Vacant positions will be advertised across the business. For example, you may currently be a case administrator and have the opportunity to apply for a PSO post following assessment process if there are vacancies within this job area. If we need to go through the competitive selection process, we will let you know what the criteria for this will be nearer the time. The compulsory redundancy timetable is detailed in the Q&A should we need to move to this.

Ask the Chief Questions & Answers

As promised, please find below the general questions received following the staffing reduction announcement on Thursday 16 July and my answers to those questions. The questions relating to personal information have been answered directly.


Q. Is it possible to get advice about calculating what the severance figure would be, if it were offered?

The severance figure is your yearly gross wage divided by 52 to give your weekly pay. Then it is two weeks’ actual pay for each year of completed service, up to a maximum of 30 weeks. For example:

Annual Salary £30,000 divided by 52 = £576.92 a week - if you have worked 10 years in the service you would be entitled to 20 weeks pay which would equate to £11,538.46. The maximum you are allowed to claim for is 15 years which is 30 weeks pay. You do not pay tax on anything under £30,000.

Q. Why is this process being so rushed so that staff do not have time to digest the information? The timing of the announcement is either unfortunate, ill considered or worrying orchestrated to clash with the start of the school holidays and consequently staff leave.

As you may know the unions (NAPO, Unison and GMB) nationally have been meeting with Sodexo Justice Services to discuss the offer. Information was provided to the unions in early June and this was discussed further at a meeting at the end of June. It was hoped that we would have been in a position to provide staff with information at that point. However, this was not the case and I wrote to staff on the 3rd July explaining this and advising everyone that the information would be provided on 16th July.

I am aware that this coincides with the commencement of school holidays which is why the response time is for three weeks from Monday 20th July. The purpose of this being to enable everyone sufficient time to read the information, consider the implications for themselves and make a decision.

If individual staff feel disadvantaged they can of course contact HR explaining their concerns which would be considered before any decision was made regarding allowing additional time. As you will appreciate allowing one person additional time will have an impact on overall decision making and all staff in the CRC.

Q. Where can I get the information regarding figures for early retirement / severance.

The CRC has applied for this information for all staff aged 55-64, however, we have yet to receive it. You are able to contact Greater Manchester Pension Fund directly who will be able to advise you on personal matters. For anyone expressing an interest in ER we will get this information to you as soon as possible.

Q. The expression of interest form has an additional information box, is there any guidance as to what additional information is considered to be helpful?

There is no specific guidance regarding additional information. It should include whatever you feel you wish to share that is relevant to and supports your application.

Q. If a staff member's application for severance is accepted how will the point of their departure be agreed and arranged?

Staff are requested on the form to indicate the earliest date they wish to depart. This request will be considered alongside business need. There will be a discussion with the staff member by either HR or a senior manager to agree the actual leaving date.

Q. In the information provided to us on 16th July, it says that "all" applications will be assessed on a case by case basis in accordance with the published criteria. Where is the criteria?

The criteria for voluntary severance will be as follows:

  • Organisational/Business Need
  • Overall Cost
  • Individual circumstances including DDA
Q. With regard to accessing legal advice in relation to any severance deal that may be negotiated, will the CRC pay towards costs for the employee to get their own legal advice.


Q. According to the pensions guidance issued by GMPF, if you are over 55 and your employer makes you redundant or retires you in the interests of efficiency GMPF will pay your pension benefits immediately. If you retire in this way there will be no early retirement reduction in your ordinary benefits.

In the circumstances why are you preventing people in this age group from accessing severance payments if they leave the organisation by taking the early retirement option? According to the guidance from GMPF no pension penalties would be imposed if a member of staff leaves on the grounds of efficiency.

The offer for someone over 55 is either to take severance pay or to access their immediate pension, but not both.

You can apply for severance and then choose to access your pension. However, if you do so there will be financial penalties related to accessing your pension early. Please discuss this with GMPF directly as they can provide individual support and guidance should you be considering this alongside a voluntary application.

Q. Where will the 2 CP Practice Manager roles be based? I assume that there will be one per LDU but was wondering if the roles will be office based or mobile/working from home etc? Is there an expectation that one will be based in Cumbria?

Also, in terms of the specific storage/parking facilities accommodation for CP, are we any nearer to deciding where this will be? Also, will CP supervisors pick up offender from pick up points in local areas or will offenders be expected to travel? i.e. Chorley to Preston.

There will be a CP practice manager for each LDU, one covering Cumbria and North West Lancashire, one covering East and South Lancashire. The office location will be agreed with the individuals in post and will require mobile working and could include home working.

There is no expectation that one will be based in Cumbria or any other specific area of the CRC, but that Cumbria will be properly covered. The locations for premises for CP are still being procured.

The methods of future working arrangements will be developed within CP, this could include a greater reporting direct to site and pick up points. It is proposed to have specific CP development events to look at how CP will operate in the future. Dates to be advised.

Q. I was just wondering where people on Fixed Term Contracts stand.

The information regarding severance package and compulsory redundancy is only for those staff who have a permanent contract of employment. If you are on a fixed term contract it will come to an end. If there were any vacancies externally advertised you would be able to apply and we would encourage you to do so.

Q. I have been asked by staff from the Penrith office why they do not feature in the table 'allocation of OM's'. Is it to be assumed that Penrith numbers are included in the current Carlisle figures and therefore Kendal are included in the Barrow numbers - or does this already indicate that these posts are redundant?

The table shows the total number of offices there will be in the new operating model and the number of staff who will be based in each office. Current staffing numbers exclude all fixed term and agency staff and are a snapshot at the end of June. The Kendal and Penrith current staffing numbers are shown in Carlisle figures.

When looking at where staff are located we will consider where staff live and work now, their preference for where they would wish to work and the needs of the business. The closure of an office at a particular site does not mean that staff are all redundant.

Q. If a staff member does not apply for the severance package when will we find out what the compulsory package is - will this information be known before the closing date of the severance offer?

The compulsory package will be: 1 week for every full year of employment up to age 41 and 1 1/2 weeks for every full year of employment over 41 to a maximum of 20 years paid at actual salary (a full year being 12 full calendar months).

Q. The severance package talks of 2 weeks pay for each year - if someone was initially full time then reduced their hours to part time what salary is used to calculate their package - is it based on their current part time annual salary?

This has now been clarified by SJS and is:

You will receive two weeks’ actual pay for each year of completed service (up to a cap of 30 weeks). The value of your voluntary severance package will be calculated by multiplying this number of weeks by your average salary over the past 12 months prior to your agreed exit date.

Q. There was a mention of payment for business miles should you be directed to work somewhere else - how long will this be paid for - a set period of time or for the life of your employment?

If the CRC directs a member of staff to work at another location excess mileage will be paid for a period of two years. The calculation is: new home to office mileage - minus current home to office mileage = excess mileage to be paid for each day working in new office location. It must only be claimed when actual travel occurs to the office.

Q. Does taking severance pay mean I would be unable to apply for positions within the CLCRC in the future?

Once you leave the CRC with a severance package, there will be a period where you cannot apply for posts. I am seeking further clarification of this point and will let you know once I have the information.

Q. If it turns out there will be compulsory redundancies will the figures stated in the 05/2009 policy, at point 13.1 be honoured?

Our organisational change policy and procedures has been reviewed and changed. The payment will be in line with the statutory calculator which is 1 week for every year worked when aged under 41 and 1 1/2 weeks 41 and over to a maximum of 20 years paid at actual salary.

The unions have not agreed with the decision to change but the new policy is the one that will be implemented when calculating compulsory redundancy payment. The National Negotiating Agreement is available on the intranet and the revised organisational change policy and procedures are available on the intranet.

Q. How do I challenge a severance decision?

You will not be able to challenge the decision once it has been made. The senior management team will meet to discuss all the applications and will take into account, business needs, costs and individual circumstances before reaching a decision. The final decision rests with myself as Chief Officer.

Q. Will there be any assistance with car loans, pool cars?

This is something we will investigate with Sodexo Justice Services but at present we do not have these schemes in the CRC although we have had both previously.

Q. Can you advise what training will be provided for staff who are leaving and will it be mandatory?

Training opportunities will be offered and we will work with individuals to assist them in seeking jobs and into moving into a new sector. Where someone is made compulsory redundant they are entitled to take paid time off to attend job interviews.

Q. Is the organisational change policy a contractual requirement that cannot be changed to the detriment of staff without agreement from JNCC – not after consultation with LJNCC?

Sodexo Justice Services have sought legal advice on this and the advise is that it is not contractual. Staff who currently have savings that are automatically paid at source into Blue’s and Two’s accounts – will this continue when transferred to Sodexo?

Yes it will

Q. If I apply for a lower grade post will my pay be protected for three years?

Yes this is in line with NNC

Q. Can you clarify how the current spilt roles in Cumbria between operational PSO and programmes have been counted in the current staffing figures and whether there will be spilt roles in the future.

There are currently 11.6 dedicated Band 3 facilitators for Cumbria and Lancashire and 1.6 Women Safety Workers. There has been an additional 4 FTE nominally attributed to the programmes staffing to account for those staff engaged in split roles in Cumbria. There is currently a Review being undertaken regarding programme delivery and the question of split roles will be covered in that review

Q. Can you provide some general information on the new operating model?

Details of the framework are contained in the Service Delivery Solution previously circulated to Team Managers and union colleagues. The underpinning principles and some of the content of Positive Futures will remain. However, a significant change will be the creation of a Hub which will deliver the administrative function across Cumbria and Lancashire. The Hub will undertake allocation, enforcement, risk escalation and eventually the management of some cases that meet certain criteria regarding risk of serious harm and reoffending. There will be a new supply chain of partner organisations designed to deliver a community integration function focusing around accommodation, employment, mentoring provision and family support.

In addition, there will be a new assessment tool called Justice Star, which is a strength based sentence planning tool designed to be used in a collaborative way with service users. A new risk assessment tool is in the process of being developed which will be similar in any ways to the current OASys RoSH. There will also be a new case recording system, which should be less complex and more intuitive than NDelius and a new mobile working solution which will provide more flexibility in regard to where service users can be seen.

Work is being undertaken with colleagues from across the CRC regarding the operational design led by Joanne Dann, ACE. We want to encourage as much involvement as possible for those staff wanting to have an input over the coming months.

Q. Can our references be fuller than just factual information confirming we worked in the CRC?

Our usual policy has been to offer the factual information with a disclaimer that this in no way implies anything untoward. Line managers can do references but NOT on letter headed paper - more of a character reference.

Q. If PSOs are less likely to go on compulsory redundancy, how can other grades apply for PSO posts?

If we have more PSOs than we need to lose apply for severance and if we are able to support the applications, then because we are losing posts under severance it will be possible to advertise these to the admin grade (including Corporate Services), and potentially the PO grades should anyone wish to move down a grade, who are at greater risk. If we lose posts under redundancy then there is less flexibility. However, all of this will depend on who wishes to put forward an expression of interest and how many of those we are able to support.

Q. How can you have a policy of not requiring any one staff member to move 30 miles but then ask for expressions of interest?

Everyone has a different approach to how far they are prepared, able to travel to work and also may have a wish to work in a particular office. We would not know this unless the question is asked. This will assist in making decisions about where people will be located.


The decision regarding whether we have to move to compulsory redundancy will be affected by the number of expression of interests for voluntary severance and the number we are able to accept.

Given the numbers of staff we need to lose, we anticipate we may need to progress to compulsory redundancy. However, there are two grades, Band 5, operational middle managers and operational Band 3 staff, where given the numbers of staff we need to lose and the current level of interest shown, it seems probable that compulsory redundancy will not be required.

Please find attached the proposed timelines for the compulsory redundancy process should it be required. The dates may change, if ratification of VS decisions is not received by the 17th August. The following criteria will be used when decision making for compulsory redundancy:

  • Performance in a competency based interview 
  • Attendance records (discounting DDA/maternity) 
  • Capability Issues 
  • Disciplinary record – current on record
Where we move to interviews all those at risk will be provided with the current job description and a guidance note on competency based interviewing. Please don’t forget that the CIC helpline is available for all staff for anything to do with financial and legal advice as well as confidential counselling.


Date / Phase / Activity

17th August 2015 / Ratification decision from SJS re: VS / SMT clarify who will be offered VS and review whether we need to move to compulsory redundancy

18th August 2015 / Letter to successful applications for VS / Letters sent out acceptance to be confirmed by staff by 1st September. Provide information to CRC.

w/c 17th August / Commence 1:1 CR interviews / Meetings with individual staff in the at risk groups. Meetings will include HR and a manager. Individuals can be accompanied by either their union rep or a colleague

w/c 17th August 2015 / Adverts for potential vacancies / From information re: VS decisions opportunities identified and ring fenced for at risk staff.

1st September 2015 / Closing date for applications /

1st September 2015 /Final VS acceptance date / All letters re: decisions to be received

2nd September 2015 / Review overall staffing needs / Advise CRC of actual staffing numbers and confirm any CR requirements and job vacancies

w/c 7th September / Job interviews / Interviews for vacancies arising from VS

7th September 2015 / Complete 1:1 CR interviews / Information from 1:1s collated and final decisions re: compulsory redundancy requirements

7th September 2015  Issue information to at risk group and interview dates /Provision of guidance notes on how to be successful in a competency based interview and job specification

w/c 14th September 2015 / Competency based assessment centres / Selection of staff in at risk grades to remain in CRC

w/c 25th September 2015 /Final decisions confirmed / Information to staff re: Assessment Centre outcome Letter to successful candidates Letters to unsuccessful candidates with exit date

29th September 2015 / Completion of process / Confirmation to CRC and SJS that process is complete


  1. Isn't this exactly what all the Jeremiahs were saying would happen in the post TR world. Why didn't the unions raise the roof over the seven months clause in the framework agreement? Why did they think there would be no redundancies during the lifetime of the contracts? At the time there was an opportunity for the unions to make it clear that the agenda ahead was to get rid of staff, but, oddly, as they signed the framework agreement they refused to read the writing on the wall. The 'resistance' was only on the T-shirts. And you don't get any sense from the noise around the Napo elections that there is a case to answer.

    1. I'm determined one day to get to the bottom of what went on and why, but I suspect it'll be quite an uphill task and one for another time when the dust has settled on all this wave of shit.

    2. Well lets start the discussion Jim. Any half sensible rep who actually read all of the documents on the transfer arrangement would have seen that White Elephant. So why did Ian Lawrence and Tom Rendon NOT ?
      Did they get the documents legally reviewd and to what extent diod the legal advise if it exists actually address the 7 month issue. Why 7 Months exactly ? Was it related to ET time limits ? Did the union actually not want to take ET cases to save money? What did Napo Vice chairs know about the decisions being made at the SCCOG activity from Rendon \ Lawrence.
      What records are there in Napo to evidence support for the officers agreement in the way they took the union.
      What use was the EVR as it only applied to a few yet the impact is now the 600 plus others will most likely follow reduced terms dismissals. The costs of EVR was supported by millions yet how much of this has actually been spent on its purpose.
      Did NAPO actually get written assurances on the arrangements or has this been a blind good faith issue.
      On what basis of confidence did NAPO agree to the Transfer arrangements if there was no written contract arrangement?
      There are many more but I would like to know on what basis is the current GS actually qualified to act upon. What really is he key qualification base and relevant appropriate experience if the above questions are answered well or not at all.

  2. Sodexo changed redundancy to severance, so how are they jumping past voluntary redundancy, before going to compulsory redundancy.

    Don't have much faith in napo challenging sodexo's decision considering the majority in our area jumped ship to nps at the first opportunity.

  3. The policies usually state that vol. redundancy should be considered. There is no absolute obligation to offer it. Also, whilst the Management of Change protocol is written into local policies, Sodyouall have already shown their contempt for such things. We are not negotiating with people with any integrity.. They are self-serving bullies.

    1. Once again I'd direct the Unions to Selous's written answer on 2 July 2015. I've tried to get a response or an explanation as to why no-one is interested in pursuing this:

      "Modernisation funding was allocated to the Ministry of Justice by HM Treasury in 2014/15 to bring about sustainable reductions in resource requirements across the Ministry. Some of this funding was made available for voluntary redundancies in Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs). Of this, £16.4m was spent on voluntary exit packages in 2014/15 and the remainder was allocated to CRCs on a pro-rata basis, based on their size and estimated future staffing requirements.

      Each Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC) is managed by a Contract Management Team (CMT), headed by a Senior Contract Manager and comprising staff with commercial, contract management and operational expertise to ensure a multi-disciplinary approach. The size of teams reflects the size of the contract being managed. While it is for CRC owners to implement and oversee redundancy schemes, CMTs are ensuring that CRC owners adhere to their contractual obligations in this area. CMTs are able to draw upon commercial, financial and legal expertise from within the wider Ministry in delivering this role."

      1. How much was provided in total from the Mod Fund? How much was divvied up to the CRCs after £16.4M had been spent on the 'chosen ones'? This is a critical factor, especially when Sodexo - and now the CRC CEOs - have the brass neck to claim they haven't enough money to meet the EVR terms.

      2. Why are you not in discussions with the CMTs to ensure that "CRC owners adhere to their contractual obligations"? The weight & expertise of the MoJ is available to the CMTs.


  5. Barry Adams is the next Corbyn in NAPO vote Adams .


    1. Usual double standards apply.

      "G4S declined to comment on allegations that Narey’s report was not independent. A spokesperson for the YJB said it considered the views Narey expressed in the report were his own, not those of any other party and it was common practice for consultants to be paid by those who commissioned them.

      The Guardian asked the Ministry of Justice if the justice secretary had authorised Narey’s visit to Rainsbrook. A spokesman said the MoJ was “aware and content” with his inspection of the STC."

  7. I;m so pleased that the CEO remains on a 3 year protected pay deal...I'd hate to think that they would have to worry about mortgage payments bill paying ect whilst they're carrying out the wishes of Sodexo high command...I wonder if they would have been so keen to discard hard working, experienced Band 4s without their own nests being feathered first.....In the 80s I used to supervise a genuine witchdoctor who told me how to invoke nightmares....I think he's Sodexo HR now...

  8. Please research the human rights breaches committed throughout the world by Sodexo.....perhaps Andy Burnham could say a few things about prisons for profit now that he's keen on re-nationalisation of the railways....

    1. re Jack Pott, 18 10, As I, and one anon have pointed other readers to 'Sodexo- Sourcewatch' website, heavily laden with multiple human rights breaches, I am surprised that no comments have arisen from those posts.

      I would also like to know what the 'ambiguous' comment was, in the contract between NOMS and Sodexo, when money was handed to them, as commented in a NAPO response. I mentioned here in the blog that there was a sentence which could have been interpreted as 'the money to be used for streamlining the new Service', when it was intended to be specifically for EVR purposes. Could this be the 'ambiguous sentence' which Sodexo has taken advantage of?

      And has the Union done anything AT ALL to challenge what is believed to be the breaking of the contract, or has it not, because NOMS got the wording wrong???

      Sodexo are clearly coasting along, whistling confidentlly, as they kick the irritants out of their way.

  9. Really sad day Jim when you start deleting non offensive comments because you disagree with them. That's nothing short of dictatorship and your as bad as the NAPO forum for censorship. So so sad and what happened to valuing diversity which should he installed to every probation practitioner

    1. Maybe, but I view the comments as a deliberate attempt to disrupt and contain absolutely no evidence or rational argument - just designed to wind most readers up. If you don't like it - go away.

    2. I did not see the post in question but having followed this blog for some time I expect Jim had a very good reason.

    3. Keep up the good work Jim we rely on this blog to get us through all the rubbish !

    4. 2127 there you are hi ! Look the napo forum censored out some commentary because the two chairs at the time were both inexperienced and badly advised. They continued to show a real lack of intelligence and absence of skills. They went on to suspend nec reps for asking fair and appropriate questions. They were intoxicated by their own self righteousness . Rendon and Robinson then disagreed with the questions because they were pointed at the amount of the ledgergate pay off that was decided by them . They acted outside of their authority by the looks of things and as yet there has been no official inquiry to what they decided to do. The NEC cannot seem to decide anything that helps members but does support everything the top table tells them. Mr Adams Candidate is answering all questions I read on here yesterday so lets ask him. I think he staged a sit in and confronted the said Rendon and Robinson. Now the censorship has set in over at napo so people post open commentary here and some of it is a bit harsh but its comment so we have be accepting or DONT READ simple. The ideas that you seem top want in diversity is not reflected in your own comment. Jim makes it clear he is a retired PO. I am not sure the diversity agenda is as forward today as you want it to be. Why do you think it is in the remit of practitioner only ? Surely a diverse comment should include all staff at all levels . Try and understand to practice what you are espousing and you might get a decent comment out that gives us all something to consider. In case you miss read the detail most CRCs do not have a diversity requirement . The NPS will have so your point will be lost to many in the future. Your dictatorship comparison is terrible are you really this naïve ? Posting on here remain within the hosts control that hardly qualifies Jim Brown as a dictator. This is not a blog for comment run by committee but it is a well read and functioning site that many get a lot of comfort and information from. It has kept us posted where Napo fail. It is informed where NAPO hide the detail. Silly posts like your trigger nothing but a small laugh so keep up your comedy line. Try not reading here that will cure your desire to attack a non issue. Unless you posted the comment that was removed perhaps you might explain .

    5. If you want your union to take action mandate them through a motion. Its not too late to submit a motion to AGM. Take the pay for example, were all suffering and the most NAPO has done on the discriminative pay is to produce a bloody strategy that details all the issues but presents a bunch of actions that have no teeth. Really ! like that's going to address the pay differentials and unfair unequal pay. They talk the talk and produce reports that get presented to NEC and then they do sweet ...... about anything. Every time I consider leaving NAPO I think about the representation we provide locally to our members and I change my mind. Its been the same for the past 10 years. We need a new strong fighting union. I will vote for Barry because I know he will do his best for the members but he will be the minority but he will need members to support him and ensure the leadership is accountable through proper reporting and monitoring.

    6. All i said was privatisation can be a good thing. Now do the right thing Jim and undelete my comment :)

    7. Privatisation of the criminal justice system is not a good thing whatsoever. Open your eyes.

    8. I am going to sound really stupid but I don't understand the reasoning behind privatisation of the justice system. If the government are still paying the bills then how is that any different to how it runs now? In my eyes, the government employed a middle man to manage it, as they can't. The justice system surely can't generate an income, we don't have any service to sell so will still be totally reliant on government funding. springs to mind.

  10. Anon 23:55 you sound like you have been planted in this forum to make trouble for your paymasters. I'm not surprised. If the government had its own way this blog would be censored.

    1. LOL I'm pretty certain the government doesn't give two shits about this blog!

    2. Exactly right 13:50......lets not get above ourselves! In the same way Sodexo doesnt give 2 shits about the Unions

  11. I have the misfortune to work for one of the Sodexo CRCs and being offered the derisory Voluntary Severance package. What is happening in other CRCs that are not owned by Sodexo? Purple Futures, MTCNovo etc. Are others faring better?

  12. No issues in ARCC, DTV's CRC, a staff mutual where no redundancies are being talked of thankfully....but the motivation is not to make profit for private that's the real difference.
